Friday, July 1, 2011

Which Starcraft 2 Guide to Buy?

Will you get scammed buying Starcraft 2 guides? I think this is a question a lot of online players really ask themselves all the time, whether its Starcraft or any other game.

The answer is actually both yes and no. There are a lot of 'scammy' guides out there on the internet that give a bad reputation for the rest of community and then again there is actually no way to regulate or control this nor would it actually sound right, when the internet really advocates freedom of speech to a large extent.

Now, my purpose of this post is to give some clarification as a friend of mine commented the other day that most posts seem rather bias promoting a product or so, maybe due to commission based purchases or the term used 'affiliate marketers' being used in the process. As a result, no one has really answered this question objectively. So what are we looking out for?

The bad guides - There are perhaps a mountain of these lying around, and some even disappear after a certain period of time too and are not hard to spot with their 'hard-sell' techniques. Be extra careful with those that don't even give money-back guarantees as this is usually a norm at present. If the site doesn't even offer this, my advice is not to buy no matter how cheap it might appear to be.

Too many testimonials - I have never given a testimonial nor do I actually take them seriously. I always believed good products don't need testimonials. Now you can debate on this obviously on my 'sweeping statement' but the point I'm trying to make is I don't see myself willing offering myself to go public with my profile photo while praising the product. Do you? That's even worse than putting it on Facebook.

Google around. Often some of these will appear as 'template based' or like copied from another site or even another guide site from another game, and the webpage looks similar in style of writing or even presentation. I could give you an examples here but I rather not quote and degrade others people work as that is not the objective here.

So how to differentiate and know what guides are good? If you would to base on available recommendations online, you will be utterly confused as there are so many contrasting reviews making it difficult to decide and some of the reviews actually written for the reasons above. I would recommend hearing it from someone you actually knows that plays the game, a friend perhaps reason being that this is sometimes personal and someone who knows you might be able to give you a better recommendation. Anyhow, I will attempt to briefly summarize the guides which I thought were decent.

1) Shok Guide - Shok Guide has the most publicity online, probably rated the best of all the guides. There are however no real updates, last updates the past 6 months were perhaps how to beat the Campaign modes? It might be good to know that this site advertises aggressively on Google Ads, I let you be the judge of what you think as this always pops up as a sponsored link. Otherwise, the site is comprehensive and has a nice user interface.

2) Joanna - This was actually one of the earliest sites to come out. Joanna leverages on her reputation in World of Warcraft to sell this guide. To be fair I would say that this guide was decent when Starcraft 2 initially launched in July 2010 but since then no updates and price of guide has dropped to USD9 from a peak of perhaps USD30. The presentation of the site is entirely a single category post style whereby you scroll all the way down, just to give you an idea.

3) Star2Pros - Now, they appear to have quite a impressive sales page as they did a comparison on how their guide was better than others, and gave a lot of promises and guarantees which i believe some are not true. What I didn't like was that despite their guide being rather expensive, it came with a recurring monthly bill that some people might have overlooked and there was no mention on this on the site! Content wise, its subjective, but I didn't appreciate the part of using user comments from gold divisions and below for input as part of their guides. Frankly, i believe they oversold. Their site link is also currently down.

4) Nooby's Starcraft - An interesting site, which is a blog and with a a glossary for Starcraft 2 common information. There is paid content which requires you to be a member but apart from that everything else can be accessed. Updates were Informative and i liked the interface. Content was good and well written but I felt should use more videos instead of just text and screen shots on their strategies. There is no coverage on Campaign modes, how to play with Mods, map editors, etc. Let see if updates do follow.

That's my view on the current guides available. Let me know your comments, and if there was anything else i should have included.

Signing out for now.

If your looking for a guide you should also check out this review on StarCraft 2 Guides.

For more resources of game guides, check out this interesting article, which also gives you some tips on what to look out for before you do purchase game guides online

View the original article here


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