If you are not familiar with micro and macro then let me explain. Micro refers to controlling your combat units on the map whether it is using abilities, kiting, or getting in formation. Macro refers to the mechanics of the game like building structures, producing units, and expanding.
Macro is more important since you need to keep up with production in order to have a large army to take out your opponent. But micro is very important as well because if you turn your back on your army your opponent can take them out with ease.
Every unit is unique so each unit should be controlled differently. Each one attacks differently, has different abilities, and does well against certain units as I will explain.
1) Formation - Not a lot of players get this but formation is a big factor in every single battle you play. You want to have the better position before a battle starts against your opponent. You want your units ready. Know where your opponents army is going to attack and spread your units out. Make a concave shape so that your units will be kind of surrounding them.
Do not leave your units in a ball because this will make it easier for them to surround you. You want have it so all of them can attack right away rather than some being stuck behind others having to wait before attacking.
It is more specific with each type of unit. Like if you are Protoss and you have Zealots, Stalkers, and Colossi then you want your Zealots out in front because they are melee. Then your Stalkers behind them because they are ranged. Then have the Colossi in the back because they have long range and you want to keep them from dying because of how valuable they are.
2) Ranged Units - These are the most common. These include Hydralisks, Roaches, Marines, Marauders, Stalkers, and Colossi. Usually you can make them most effective not only by getting them in formation before a battle but by kiting them.
Kiting means to fire and pull back repetitively. This especially goes for Terran with Marines and Marauders once they have Stim Pack and even Concussive Shells for the Marauders. When you are facing an army of Roaches and Zerglings or Zealots and Stalkers then you want to fire and pull back to make it difficult for the melee units to reach them.
3) Melee Units - Zerg has the most melee units which include Zerglings, Banelings, and Ultralisks. Then there is Protoss Zealots. Zerglings and Zealots are the main units in this category since they are used in pretty much every game. Ideally you want to surround your opponents army. Do this by getting their speed upgrades which for Zerglings it is Metabolic Boost, and for Zealots it is Charge.
Zerglings are very fast so you can make a large swarm of them and control them so they get a surround on your opponents army to trap them and then attack rather than trying to chase them down. So be sure to right click behind their army and then attack.
For Zealots you should just get them in formation in a wide open area. Then just attack unless they start kiting their units. As for Banelings you want to have it so they are in the middle of your opponents army. They are very good to have with the speed upgrade when facing a large army of Marines, Zealots, or Zerglings. They are also great for attacking an open mineral line.
4) Air Units - Obviously these kind of units are very mobile and are great for harassment. Air units that can attack ground like Mutalisks, Void Rays, and Banshees are great for harassing buildings and workers while away from the ground where anti air can attack them.
In some cases you will need to micro them well to take out long ranged ground units like Colossi and Siege Tanks. Your opponent will try to run them behind their army of anti air units but you should try to harass them as much as you can by flying around them. It can be difficult when facing Marines with Siege Tanks or Stalkers with Colossi. Again you should get in formation and have it so your air units are circling around their army before they attack.
5) Special Units - Units like Ghosts, Ravens, Infestors, High Templars, Sentries, and Motherships are key units in an army. They are the units you want to protect so you can preserve their energy so they can use their abilities to turn the battles in their favor.
If you are Terran facing Protoss and you have Ghosts then you want to either protect them and then use their EMP Round right before a battle to do as much damage to the Protoss unit shields as you can. Or if they have High Templars then you really should get Cloak and then use it on their High Templars before they get close your army to make them useless.
If you are Zerg with Infestors then you will want to use Fungal Growth on a large army of light armored units like Marines, Zerglings, or Zealots to make them most effective. Fungal Growth is very effective because it deals damage before a battle or it can also be used to freeze the units in place like Siege Tanks or Colossi while you use your units to surround them until you can attack.
Sentries are great in early battles mainly because of their Force Fields. We were talking about how important formation is. Force Fields make it very difficult for your opponents army to be in formation. That is the purpose of it. You want to face your opponents army in a closed gap to easily trap some units in to easily take them out with your army.
If you wish to get better why not learn from the Grandmaster Manual. It helps to really learn from a starcraft 2 strategy guide that was created by grandmasters.
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