Thursday, July 14, 2011

Starcraft 2 Zergling Guide

Zerglings are the infantry units of the Zerg. They are very small, very fast, attack by melee, and are spawned in doubles. Zerg players should always have Zerglings on the field just like Protoss should always have Zealots and Terran, Marines.

Zerglings are best used to surround your opponents army. To micro them effectively move them around your opponents army and then attack rather than just attack head on. Massing up Zerglings and controlling them this way will really hurt your opponents army especially if you are facing the right kind of units.

Zerglings do best against heavy ground units that attack by shooting. Such units include Thors, Marauders, Immortals, and Stalkers. If you are going to mass up Zerglings you should always take advantage of their upgrades.

Metabolic Boost - This is their speed upgrade that makes them faster than any unit in the game. This makes them very useful because not only will they be able to get a surround on units faster they can also race past your opponents army and harass their workers. Also be sure to send out a couple of Zerglings to scout occasional. Spread the Creep highway since they are even faster on their turf.

Adrenal Glands - This is a late game upgrade since you will need a Hive but if you find yourself facing a ground heavy army complete with Immortals or Thors then this is a great upgrade to get. It increases their attack speed by 20%.

Some powerful unit combos include Zerglings with Roaches against a Protoss army of mostly Stalkers and Immortals. They also do well against Terran units like Siege Tanks and Marines. It takes practice to micro effective but you should do fine.

Zerglings with Mutalisks can work well because you can easily harass your opponents mineral line. Keep harassing them until they play defense and while that is happening expand to new mineral lines and work on units that will do good against their army.

If you are going heavy Zerglings then you should always get a Banelings Nest especially if you are facing mostly Marines, Zerglings, or Zealots. Banelings have great splash damage that can ruin a Terran players day if they decided to mass up Marines without support. Here is the unit counters.

Best Against

Zerg - QueensProtoss - Stalkers, ImmortalsTerran - Marauders, Thors, Siege Tanks (when mobile)

Not Bad Against

Zerg - HydralisksProtoss - SentriesTerran - Marines, Ghosts

Worst Enemies

Zerg - Mutalisks, Brood Lords, Banelings, Roaches, UltralisksProtoss - Zealots, Dark Templars, Carriers, Motherships, Void Rays, Archons, ColossiTerran - Banshees, Battlecruisers, Reapers, Hellions

A Starcraft 2 guide has been released recently. But unlike any other Starcraft 2 strategy guide out there it was created by real grandmaster players as you can see for yourself.

View the original article here


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