Information is everything and there are several ways of getting that information. In this guide I am going to go over the general way of scouting as well as the best ways of scouting with each race. Every race has creative ways of scouting as I will explain.
The 10 Supply Scout
In almost all games you play you should scout early by sending a worker out. It does not have to be right at 10 supply count but about after you get your first food supply whether it is an Overlord, Supply Depot, or Pylon.
On maps with multiple starting points you will need to find them first. The point of this first scout is to make sure your opponent is not doing anything sneaky like a Zerg player rushing with Zerglings or a Protoss cannon rush.
More than likely they will not be cheesing but you always need to be sure so you can counter it. Once you get your worker inside start moving him around the base keeping him alive as long as you can so you can stick around long enough to see what structures he is building.
You want to know what buildings he is going for so you know what units he is going for, so you will know what units to counter them with. He will most likely kill your worker with his first combat unit which is either a Stalker, Marine, or Zerglings. At this point you will not be able to scout that easily. If you were going to send a worker he will just kill it before seeing the structures. So then you will have to get more creative with scouting.
Terran Scouting Techniques
Terran has the most scouting techniques. One good way to scout is with Hellions. Because of how fast they are they can easily ride past your opponent's army. I would only recommend doing this if you are facing Zerg because Hellions are great for harassing the workers and Zerglings.
Orbital Command Scan
This is a great way of scouting. However you should mainly be using your energy for spawning mules especially early in the game when you need to boost your economy. Use the first two rounds of energy on mules and then put down a scan.
Target the scan right in the center of your opponent's base to see as much as you can. There is a chance you will not see certain buildings but most of the time you will get all the info you need before making a transition.
I usually get a Reaper out when going for a 3 Rax build. There is no need to get more than 1 unless you plan a Reaper rush. Use the Reaper to hop in your opponent's base where they will likely not see it and then move around away from his combat units to spot the structures. Afterwards you can use it to harass workers a little bit.
Barracks Scout
Build a Barracks near his base and then lift off to hover around. This is a very effective way to get a good read because Barracks last so long. You will easily be able to see his whole base. But it is a wasted 150 minerals. So this should be used in mid game since you will need to make units instead.
Zerg Scouting Techniques
They are very slow but having one at each corner of your opponent's base is effective for getting a good read. Just move in around 20 supply count to see what their transition is going to be and then try to move away before it gets attacked. Right at the beginning of the match you should move your first Overlord to their base or where you think they are.
Be sure to get an Overseer right after teching up to a Lair since they are faster and can spawn Changelings to move around their base.
Always be spreading the creep with your Queens. You have vision where ever you spread it. Spread it everywhere because you want to see exactly where your opponent's army is at all times.
Protosss Scouting Techniques
Sentry Hallucination
Sentries have the ability to hallucinate any unit. The best way to scout your opponent is by making a Phoenix and fly it around their base.
The best scouting units in the game, Observers are permanently cloaked air units that have detection. In most games you will be able to get an Observer into your opponent's base without them spotting it and see exactly what they are doing at all times. Get an early Observer if you are doing a 2 Gateway Robo Tech.
Air Units
This is a technique for all races. If you are going for air units then flying a Mutalisk, Viking, or Phoenix around your opponent's base works well to see what kind of units they are training.
More tips and tricks can be found with this Starcraft 2 guide.
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