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Marines are the infantry units of the Terran just like Zealots are to the Protoss and Zerglings are to the Zerg. Only they do not attack by melee and attack with a range weapon instead. They can also attack air making them great units to mix up with your army.
They do very well against some units like Immortals but also very poorly against others like Colossi. The units you really need to watch out for are Siege Tanks, Colossi, and Banelings. It is like all these units were meant to counter mass Marines. Be very careful and mix them up with Marauders early in the game just in case your opponent has the perfect counter for them.
They have two upgrades at the Tech Lab attached to a Barracks. One is Combat Shields which increases their hit points by 10. If you are going for a large army of Marines then this is pretty much mandatory.
Their other upgrade is Stim Pack shared with Marauders. It takes off 10 HP but makes the Marines and Marauders move faster and shoot faster for 15 seconds making this a deadly upgrade enemies should be aware of. Just use it once at a time and be sure to eventually get Medivacs to heal these units back up.
Best Against
Protoss - Immortals, Void Rays, PhoenixTerran - ThorsZerg - ZerglingsNot Bad Against
Protoss - Stalkers, Sentries, Dark Templars, Carriers, MothershipsTerran - Reapers, Vikings, Battlecruisers, Banshees, Ghosts, MaraudersZerg - Hydralisks, Mutalisks, RoachesWorst Enemies
Protoss - Colossi, Archons, Zealots, High Templars with Psy StormTerran - Siege Tanks, HellionsZerg - Ultralisks, Banelings, Brood Lords, Infestors (Fungal Growth)Marines are great to mix up with other units like Siege tanks, Thors, and Marauders. They take care of the air units while the others are ground heavy. The Marines are for the most part good against whatever the heavily ground units are not. Like Thors and Siege Tanks do not fare well against Immortals, Zerglings, and air units like Void Rays but the Marines are there to protect them.
When up against a Protoss player Marines should be massed up if facing early Void Rays. If you spot your opponent getting an early Stargate then you should only be producing Marines and research Stim Pack to quickly take them out.
They are great to have against Immortals as well but not against Colossi or Zealots. Be sure to mix in some other units. Vikings are the counter for Colossi and should be obtained as soon as possible if they go for Colossi.
Against Zerg you really need to be careful because they like to go for Banelings first. If they get Banelings and you mostly have Marines guarding behind the wall then they can easily pull a Baneling Bust. Hellions are a great counter to Banelings. Also having Marauders with Concussive Shells enables them to kite Banelings before doing lots of damage until they get the speed upgrade.
Facing Another Terran player is tricky. A Terran player can go Siege Tanks with Marauders and easily take out your Marines. But if they are going for early Banshees then Marines are great to defend your mineral line since that is where they will likely hit first. It helps to get their attack upgrade against a Terran player that is also getting mostly Marines and Marauders so your army can have the edge over them.
There is a new Starcraft 2 strategy guide made by real pro players that share all of the secrets and info that got them into the top 200 players of their region. Check it out.
If you are not familiar with micro and macro then let me explain. Micro refers to controlling your combat units on the map whether it is using abilities, kiting, or getting in formation. Macro refers to the mechanics of the game like building structures, producing units, and expanding.
Macro is more important since you need to keep up with production in order to have a large army to take out your opponent. But micro is very important as well because if you turn your back on your army your opponent can take them out with ease.
Every unit is unique so each unit should be controlled differently. Each one attacks differently, has different abilities, and does well against certain units as I will explain.
1) Formation - Not a lot of players get this but formation is a big factor in every single battle you play. You want to have the better position before a battle starts against your opponent. You want your units ready. Know where your opponents army is going to attack and spread your units out. Make a concave shape so that your units will be kind of surrounding them.
Do not leave your units in a ball because this will make it easier for them to surround you. You want have it so all of them can attack right away rather than some being stuck behind others having to wait before attacking.
It is more specific with each type of unit. Like if you are Protoss and you have Zealots, Stalkers, and Colossi then you want your Zealots out in front because they are melee. Then your Stalkers behind them because they are ranged. Then have the Colossi in the back because they have long range and you want to keep them from dying because of how valuable they are.
2) Ranged Units - These are the most common. These include Hydralisks, Roaches, Marines, Marauders, Stalkers, and Colossi. Usually you can make them most effective not only by getting them in formation before a battle but by kiting them.
Kiting means to fire and pull back repetitively. This especially goes for Terran with Marines and Marauders once they have Stim Pack and even Concussive Shells for the Marauders. When you are facing an army of Roaches and Zerglings or Zealots and Stalkers then you want to fire and pull back to make it difficult for the melee units to reach them.
3) Melee Units - Zerg has the most melee units which include Zerglings, Banelings, and Ultralisks. Then there is Protoss Zealots. Zerglings and Zealots are the main units in this category since they are used in pretty much every game. Ideally you want to surround your opponents army. Do this by getting their speed upgrades which for Zerglings it is Metabolic Boost, and for Zealots it is Charge.
Zerglings are very fast so you can make a large swarm of them and control them so they get a surround on your opponents army to trap them and then attack rather than trying to chase them down. So be sure to right click behind their army and then attack.
For Zealots you should just get them in formation in a wide open area. Then just attack unless they start kiting their units. As for Banelings you want to have it so they are in the middle of your opponents army. They are very good to have with the speed upgrade when facing a large army of Marines, Zealots, or Zerglings. They are also great for attacking an open mineral line.
4) Air Units - Obviously these kind of units are very mobile and are great for harassment. Air units that can attack ground like Mutalisks, Void Rays, and Banshees are great for harassing buildings and workers while away from the ground where anti air can attack them.
In some cases you will need to micro them well to take out long ranged ground units like Colossi and Siege Tanks. Your opponent will try to run them behind their army of anti air units but you should try to harass them as much as you can by flying around them. It can be difficult when facing Marines with Siege Tanks or Stalkers with Colossi. Again you should get in formation and have it so your air units are circling around their army before they attack.
5) Special Units - Units like Ghosts, Ravens, Infestors, High Templars, Sentries, and Motherships are key units in an army. They are the units you want to protect so you can preserve their energy so they can use their abilities to turn the battles in their favor.
If you are Terran facing Protoss and you have Ghosts then you want to either protect them and then use their EMP Round right before a battle to do as much damage to the Protoss unit shields as you can. Or if they have High Templars then you really should get Cloak and then use it on their High Templars before they get close your army to make them useless.
If you are Zerg with Infestors then you will want to use Fungal Growth on a large army of light armored units like Marines, Zerglings, or Zealots to make them most effective. Fungal Growth is very effective because it deals damage before a battle or it can also be used to freeze the units in place like Siege Tanks or Colossi while you use your units to surround them until you can attack.
Sentries are great in early battles mainly because of their Force Fields. We were talking about how important formation is. Force Fields make it very difficult for your opponents army to be in formation. That is the purpose of it. You want to face your opponents army in a closed gap to easily trap some units in to easily take them out with your army.
If you wish to get better why not learn from the Grandmaster Manual. It helps to really learn from a starcraft 2 strategy guide that was created by grandmasters.
Roaches are powerful Zerg units that can be obtained very early in game. They are heavily armored ranged units that can only attack ground. It can be very hard taking them out if you do not have the right units.
Mixing them with Mutalisks, Zerglings, or Hydralisks are very good combos in battle. Early in the game it is best to have some Zerglings if your opponent has units that do well against Roaches as I will get into their unit counters in a little bit.
They can burrow which not only hides them when planning to ambush your opponents army but to quickly heal them up. All Zerg players should learn how to micro them well to make them most effective. Roaches have 4 range making them very good against most ground units especially melee units like Zealots and Zerglings.
Tunneling Claws - This allows Roaches to move while burrowed. This is a very good upgrade to get to trick your opponent especially if you can get by their units for worker harassment and they do not have detectors to spot them. A great strategy is to ambush Terran Siege Tanks when in Siege Mode to take them out rather than attacking head on which is dangerous.
Glial Reconstruction - This is not a very common upgrade players will use but it does make Roaches move faster. If you find yourself going heavy Roaches then I would get this and spread the creep well to your opponents base to make them move fast enough to kite their units.
Unit Counters
Best Against
Terran - Reapers, Marines, Hellions, ThorsProtoss - Zealots, Archons, SentriesZerg - ZerglingsNot Bad Against
Terran - Vikings, GhostsProtoss - Stalkers, Dark Templars, High TemplarsZerg - Ultralisks, Hydralisks, BanelingsWorst Enemies
Terran - Marauders, Siege Tanks, Banshees, BattlecruisersProtoss - Immortals, Colossi, Carriers, Void Rays, Motherships, PhoenixZerg - Mutalisks, Brood LordsAgainst Terran
Roaches are the best answer for Hellion harassment. Terran players love going for Hellions against Zerg because they can be so devastating against Banelings and Zerglings because of how fast they are. Against the 3 Barracks build I would be careful and mix them up with Zerglings since Marauders are good against Roaches but do poorly against Zerglings. Vise versa with Roaches. Roaches are great against Terran Thors and Marines which is common to see when you tech to Banelings and Mutalisks. The Tunneling Claws can be so useful when they get Siege Tanks with no detectors.
Against Protoss
At the off chance your Protoss opponent will go mostly Zealots then Roaches are the best units to get against them. But against Blink Stalkers Roaches alone can be difficult which is why you should mix them with Zerglings. Same thing for if they go Immortals. If they go Immortals then tech right away to either Hydralisks or Mutalisks while massing Zerglings to buy time. Mutalisks are your best bet since they can easily switch to Colossi which do so well against Roach/Hydra.
Against Zerg
The best units to get against Zerglings and Banelings are massing Roaches indeed. When facing another Zerg player you just need to watch out for air units which are Mutalisks and Brood Lords. But other than that Roaches are great in this matchup.
Getting better at Starcraft 2 is not that easy. There is a Starcraft 2 strategy guide created by top 200 players from South East Asia. It is called the grandmaster manual.
Price: $29.99
Information is everything and there are several ways of getting that information. In this guide I am going to go over the general way of scouting as well as the best ways of scouting with each race. Every race has creative ways of scouting as I will explain.
The 10 Supply Scout
In almost all games you play you should scout early by sending a worker out. It does not have to be right at 10 supply count but about after you get your first food supply whether it is an Overlord, Supply Depot, or Pylon.
On maps with multiple starting points you will need to find them first. The point of this first scout is to make sure your opponent is not doing anything sneaky like a Zerg player rushing with Zerglings or a Protoss cannon rush.
More than likely they will not be cheesing but you always need to be sure so you can counter it. Once you get your worker inside start moving him around the base keeping him alive as long as you can so you can stick around long enough to see what structures he is building.
You want to know what buildings he is going for so you know what units he is going for, so you will know what units to counter them with. He will most likely kill your worker with his first combat unit which is either a Stalker, Marine, or Zerglings. At this point you will not be able to scout that easily. If you were going to send a worker he will just kill it before seeing the structures. So then you will have to get more creative with scouting.
Terran Scouting Techniques
Terran has the most scouting techniques. One good way to scout is with Hellions. Because of how fast they are they can easily ride past your opponent's army. I would only recommend doing this if you are facing Zerg because Hellions are great for harassing the workers and Zerglings.
Orbital Command Scan
This is a great way of scouting. However you should mainly be using your energy for spawning mules especially early in the game when you need to boost your economy. Use the first two rounds of energy on mules and then put down a scan.
Target the scan right in the center of your opponent's base to see as much as you can. There is a chance you will not see certain buildings but most of the time you will get all the info you need before making a transition.
I usually get a Reaper out when going for a 3 Rax build. There is no need to get more than 1 unless you plan a Reaper rush. Use the Reaper to hop in your opponent's base where they will likely not see it and then move around away from his combat units to spot the structures. Afterwards you can use it to harass workers a little bit.
Barracks Scout
Build a Barracks near his base and then lift off to hover around. This is a very effective way to get a good read because Barracks last so long. You will easily be able to see his whole base. But it is a wasted 150 minerals. So this should be used in mid game since you will need to make units instead.
Zerg Scouting Techniques
They are very slow but having one at each corner of your opponent's base is effective for getting a good read. Just move in around 20 supply count to see what their transition is going to be and then try to move away before it gets attacked. Right at the beginning of the match you should move your first Overlord to their base or where you think they are.
Be sure to get an Overseer right after teching up to a Lair since they are faster and can spawn Changelings to move around their base.
Always be spreading the creep with your Queens. You have vision where ever you spread it. Spread it everywhere because you want to see exactly where your opponent's army is at all times.
Protosss Scouting Techniques
Sentry Hallucination
Sentries have the ability to hallucinate any unit. The best way to scout your opponent is by making a Phoenix and fly it around their base.
The best scouting units in the game, Observers are permanently cloaked air units that have detection. In most games you will be able to get an Observer into your opponent's base without them spotting it and see exactly what they are doing at all times. Get an early Observer if you are doing a 2 Gateway Robo Tech.
Air Units
This is a technique for all races. If you are going for air units then flying a Mutalisk, Viking, or Phoenix around your opponent's base works well to see what kind of units they are training.
More tips and tricks can be found with this Starcraft 2 guide.
Price: $14.99
Zealots are the infantry units of the Protoss. They are the strongest of the Zerglings and Marines and can easily wipe them out. They attack by melee making them vulnerable to air units. In the early game they are very useful but you need to watch out for units that can kite them.
Charge - Their upgrade is Charge which is researched at the Twilight Council. If you have Zealots in the late game against a large army of ranged units like Siege Tanks then getting this upgrade can be powerful. It is auto-casted when enemy units are nearby. They increase their speed to close the gap instantly to start attacking. It has a cool down time of 10 seconds.
2 Gateway Rush - This is a cheesy play of the Protoss like early Dark Templars. Basically it is all about mining on minerals only. Forget the Assimilator for now. You will be using all of your Chrono Boost on a small army of Zealots to try and take your opponent out right away. This is really an all-in strategy meaning it is very difficult to recover from if it fails because all of your resources will be poured into this. Here is a build order you can follow.
9/10 Pylon11/18 Gateway13/18 GatewaySend all of your Zealots directly over to your opponents base and if he is not prepared for this rush you can easily rush in and take out their units. Zealots are strong against Marines and Zerglings. They can be kited against units such as Stalkers, Reapers, and even Marauders with Concussive Shells. Also they can be blocked out by Sentry Force Fields. This rush is very risky and usually only works in the lower leagues.
Strong Against
Zerg - ZerglingsTerran - Marines, ThorsProtoss - ImmortalsNot Bad Against
Zerg - Hydralisks, QueensTerran - Ghosts, Marauders, Siege Tanks, VikingsProtoss - Stalkers, SentriesWorst Enemies
Zerg - Banelings, Roaches, Ultralisks, Brood Lords, MutalisksTerran - Banshees, Reapers, Hellions, BattlecruisersProtoss - Colossi, Dark Templars, Archons, Motherships, Void Rays, PhoenixAgainst another Protoss player Zealots can work out well. You just have to watch out for a tech to Colossi since they will make it very hard to win battles. If your opponent is teching then rushing them with Zealots can work. Just beware of Sentries blocking the ramp. If you are facing Immortals then Zealots will be a perfect counter.
When facing Terran you need to be careful if you are going for a Zealot rush because if they scout two Gateways instead of the Cybernetics Core they can easily get Reapers to kite your Zealots all day long. If your opponent is going for lots of Siege Tanks then Zealots with Charge will be devastating. Zealots also do great against mass Marines since they are too slow to kite them.
Zealots are the counter for Zerglings in PvZ. Just watch out for the transition to either Banelings or Roaches since both do quite well against Zealots. It is always best to have Sentres and Stalkers in the mix because Sentries can trap their units so your Zealots can catch them and Stalkers can sit in the back to shoot them down at the same time.
If you wish to learn about a Starcraft 2 guide made by real Grandmaster players then check it out here. --> Starcraft 2 strategy.
Price: $19.99
Zerglings are the infantry units of the Zerg. They are very small, very fast, attack by melee, and are spawned in doubles. Zerg players should always have Zerglings on the field just like Protoss should always have Zealots and Terran, Marines.
Zerglings are best used to surround your opponents army. To micro them effectively move them around your opponents army and then attack rather than just attack head on. Massing up Zerglings and controlling them this way will really hurt your opponents army especially if you are facing the right kind of units.
Zerglings do best against heavy ground units that attack by shooting. Such units include Thors, Marauders, Immortals, and Stalkers. If you are going to mass up Zerglings you should always take advantage of their upgrades.
Metabolic Boost - This is their speed upgrade that makes them faster than any unit in the game. This makes them very useful because not only will they be able to get a surround on units faster they can also race past your opponents army and harass their workers. Also be sure to send out a couple of Zerglings to scout occasional. Spread the Creep highway since they are even faster on their turf.
Adrenal Glands - This is a late game upgrade since you will need a Hive but if you find yourself facing a ground heavy army complete with Immortals or Thors then this is a great upgrade to get. It increases their attack speed by 20%.
Some powerful unit combos include Zerglings with Roaches against a Protoss army of mostly Stalkers and Immortals. They also do well against Terran units like Siege Tanks and Marines. It takes practice to micro effective but you should do fine.
Zerglings with Mutalisks can work well because you can easily harass your opponents mineral line. Keep harassing them until they play defense and while that is happening expand to new mineral lines and work on units that will do good against their army.
If you are going heavy Zerglings then you should always get a Banelings Nest especially if you are facing mostly Marines, Zerglings, or Zealots. Banelings have great splash damage that can ruin a Terran players day if they decided to mass up Marines without support. Here is the unit counters.
Best Against
Zerg - QueensProtoss - Stalkers, ImmortalsTerran - Marauders, Thors, Siege Tanks (when mobile)Not Bad Against
Zerg - HydralisksProtoss - SentriesTerran - Marines, GhostsWorst Enemies
Zerg - Mutalisks, Brood Lords, Banelings, Roaches, UltralisksProtoss - Zealots, Dark Templars, Carriers, Motherships, Void Rays, Archons, ColossiTerran - Banshees, Battlecruisers, Reapers, HellionsA Starcraft 2 guide has been released recently. But unlike any other Starcraft 2 strategy guide out there it was created by real grandmaster players as you can see for yourself.
Price: $19.99
I know lots of players think that Terran has many advantages over Protoss but you still need to watch your back when playing against them as they can pull off some sneaky plays if you are not careful. I am going to explain how to counter cheesy plays as well as how to play against their standard builds such as the 4 Warpgate and 2 Gateway Robo Tech.
Protoss players will very often get 4 Warpgates which is ideal to have a constant stream of Gateway units such as Stalkers, Sentries, and Zealots. This is a routine that Protoss players will get down just like Terran players get down the 3 Rax build.
But before you assume they are going the standard way you need to scout to spot any cheesy plays. Once you send out your SCV at around 12 supply you should see a Gateway and then a Cybernetics Core in the making.
Reaper Rushing
If they get a second Gateway instead of the Cybernetics Core then rushing them with Reapers will easily win you the game. Reapers can kite Zealots all day without getting hit by them because of how fast Reapers are. So if you find yourself in this situation be sure to attach the Tech Lab, build a second Baracks with a Tech Lab and get Reapers over there immediately to start harassing their Probes. Practice kiting them which means to shoot and pull back repetitively so they never catch you.
All good Protoss players know to get an early Stalker out when facing a Terran player because Stalkers can easily out range the Reapers and will guard their mineral line making the Reapers useless.
Like I said this is rare to find in the Platinum or Diamond leagues but you would probably see a Zealot rush in the lower leagues.
3 Rax Build
Massing Marines and Marauders is great against Gateway units. Marauders are especially good against Zealots, Stalkers, and Sentries. But you want to have the Marines in there just in case they go for Immortals or even Void Rays. Immortals do a lot of damage to armored units like Thors, Siege Tanks, and Marauders which explains why Marines do so well against them.
When building 3 Barracks be sure to build just one Refinery since that is all you need. As long as they go 4 Warpgates then you should be getting lots of Marauders. Build Tech Labs on 2 of the Barracks and only train Marauders while you get your Marines from the third Barracks with a Reactor for double the Marine production.
A great upgrade to get is Concussive Shells because that enables you to kite the Zealots early in the game before they have Charge. It also slows down their units if they try to retreat making it easy to catch them.
One of the problems when facing Protoss with Marines and Marauders is having to put up with Sentry Force Fields. They can be very good because they will divide your army into two making it so that only about half of your army attacks while their whole army attacks putting the battle in their favor.
I would not worry too much about it though because even when they use Force Fields to block off your army Marines and Marauders are still effective against these units. Just be sure to micro them closer to reach them. Stim Pack works well to charge them.
The Mid Game Transition
It is so common in this match up for Terran to go 3 Barracks and Protoss to go 4 Warpgates. But there will come the time when each race will have to expand and get more advanced units.
If you were not able to break through their army of Gateway Units then they will most likely get Colossi since these units do very good against Marines and Marauders. Sometimes they will get High Templars with Psionic Storm to soften up your army.
The answer to Colossi are Vikings. By the way when you first send out your army of Marines and Marauders it is best to start building your expansion inside your main and then land it in your natural once you are sure they will not attack and you can defend it.
While the expansion is building put down the second Refinery and saturate. Save up your gas to put down the Factory. Then get a Starport and an extra production building depending on what they are going for. If it is Colossi then attach a Reactor to the Factory while building a Starport so you can immediately switch and start making double the Vikings to counter the Colossi.
You will have to see what their army is like so be sure to keep scouting. Send a Viking over or use a scan to see what is going on. If they have two Robotics Facilities working on Colossi then get two Starports working on Vikings.
At the expansion be sure to immediately put down two Refineries and saturate because this tech is gas heavy. Protoss players love to mass Stalkers with Colossi. I find that the best way to go in this situation is getting two Factories with Tech Labs and mass up Siege Tanks with Vikings and Marauders.
However if they High Templars then get a Ghost Silo and train a few Ghosts. Research Cloak and EMP shot the High Templars before a battle making them useless. Other than draining the energy of the High Templars and Sentries the EMP shot also does 100 damage to all surrounding Protoss shields.
For more Starcraft 2 tips check out this Starcraft 2 forum loaded with free content. Also be sure to check out The Grandmaster Manual, a Starcraft 2 guide created by real grandmaster players.
Price: $19.99
Everybody needs a sharp mind, that is the most useful tool one can use on a daily basis. But do you know that to hone your logic skills you don't have to hit the books all the time? There is a more funny way to improve your reasoning skills. And you may not believe it but the best way to do so is through games. Strategy games online can do a lot for you, more than what rigid mental training can possibly do.
Strategy games work because they are not at all tiring. In fact, playing strategy games online is too engaging, you won't want to stop even if you have already spent hours on it. They encourage your mind to think. In such a game, it never stops working. You use your brain as you play the game. That is how you are going to benefit from it in the long run.
Like your body, your mind needs adequate exercise. Mental exercises are as essential as your daily workout. While reading, painting, and similar hobbies enhances your creative skills, strategy games online allow you to increase your logical capabilities to make your mind working to the fullest of its ability.
Being an online gaming enthusiast has a lot of good to it, especially if you know how to pick your games. Strategy and logic games, by far, are between the most useful ones offered over the internet. They unconsciously benefit your thinking abilities so you can become a better thinker because of it. Play them on a regular manner and you will reap the positive results in no time.
Strategy games come in different forms. There are role-playing games under this genre wherein the background is a war zone. Here, you have to plot the right attack to take down your enemies, as well as develop a solid defense so that they won't be able to capture your base. This strategy game is made especially for boys. But there are similar ones made for girls too.
The best thing about strategy games online is the fact that they can be played against other players. Usually, you form a group or an alliance with other players and together, you will try to tackle down the other groups. The stronger group with a better strategy wins the game. There is usually a collective goal here and it is almost impossible to play it alone, especially if you are engaged in a multiplayer scenario.
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A Sudoku online game is the perfect way to pass time. It is a great way to challenge your logical thinking. It is also a great way to exercise your brain. Here is an overview of three Sudoku online games.
Sudoku Savant
Sudoku Savant is an excellent Sudoku online game. It was designed by Sapphire Software, Inc. The interface is the best one I have ever seen for an online game or for a PC or MacIntosh version for that matter.
It will automatically pencil in candidates for you at your option. Clicking a candidate will toggle the candidate. Double clicking a candidate will solve the cell. There is no need to even touch your keyboard.
Need a hint? The game also will provide you with four levels of hints. You can even click a button to solve the hint for you if you are stuck.
Sudoku Savant provides four levels of puzzles daily. Easy, medium, hard, and expert. Like a challenge? You will have plenty at the expert level. Expect to find hard Sudoku puzzles exhibiting x-wing, swordfish, and xy-wing patterns.
Another benefit you will find playing Sudoku Savant, is this game will save your incomplete game. If, for any reason you click to another page and then return to the game, your solved cells remain as you left them. Nice!
Ready to play Sudoku? Search Google on the term "sudoku savant" and you will find this fun Sudoku online game.
Web Sudoku
Web Sudoku is another Sudoku online game. Unlike, Sudoku Savant, it doesn't offer you the option of placing candidates automatically or manually. This is fine for simple games and for experts who love to solve Sudoku the hard way.
Web Sudoku, in comparison, requires you to click on the cell you want to solve and then enter the number by typing it on your keyboard.
If you leave the puzzle, and then return, Web Sudoku does not save your work. Bummer!
For those who like a variation of the traditional 9x9 Sudoku puzzle, Web Sudoku offers Squiggly Sudoku online and a link to Jig SawDoku, a drag and drop 9x9 Sudoku puzzle.
USA Today Sudoku
USA Today Sudoku is another Sudoku online game. This game will display candidates for each cell if you desire. Clicking a naked single candidate does nothing. You have to type the number or click the cell and drag the desired number from the list.
Another disadvantage of this online game is you cannot manually eliminate candidates except by solving a cell. This is a huge disadvantage. The ability to remove candidates is a tool you want to help you solve Sudoku puzzles, especially hard ones.
A Sudoku online game is the perfect way to pass time. It is a great way to challenge your logical thinking. But, why not enjoy solving Sudoku puzzles with the online game that offers you the best features. I choose Sudoku Savant. Try it and decide for yourself which one you like best.
All game names are property of their respective owners.
Larry Dickinson is the webmaster for the popular Sudoku website SudokuEssentials.com. Come and learn a few Sudoku tips and play Sudoku Savant online.
In order to be a good Starcraft 2 player you need to learn and practice just like with anything else. You can learn by watching videos on YouTube of pros and you can study strategy guides like on this site. To make this simple to learn I made a list of guidelines to follow to really improve your game.
1) Constantly produce workers. You should always have a worker in the making. Produce one after another. If you play as Zerg then produce multiple Drones until you have about 15 mining and then cut it back to just one at a time until you have an expansion. When you keep training them you will build a very strong economy which equals a large army that will be strong against your opponent's.
2) Constantly produce combat units. You should also be investing those resources directly into a good sized army. Have it so you always have a unit in the queve. Think about it. If your opponent has been constantly producing workers while you have slipped then they can attack you at any time and out number you while you have more resources in the bank.
3) Use hot keys. Hot keys make keeping up with production so much easier. Right at the start of the game after you have sent your workers to mine you should hot key your base and set the rally point on a mineral field. If you are Protoss or Terran then you should be setting production buildings like a Barracks or Gateway as they are being built.
The time will come when you have to send your army out. When in battle you will have to control your army well whether it means retreating or firing and pulling back. While this is going on you need to keep up with production back at your base and using the hot keys make it so you do not have to hover your screen over your structures to do so.
4) Scout your enemy frequently. Start by sending out the worker at around 10 or 11 supply. The point of this first scout is not necessarily to see what strategy he is going for but to make sure he is not executing a cheesy play like Dark Templar rushing or a 6 Pool rush. Do not just go in with your worker and let them kill him. Use him to dance around and keep him alive as long as you can. Hold shift and right click around his base so you can hopefully see what structures he is building.
After that you will need to really know what units he is getting. Do not just assume it is a standard 4 Gate build, 3 Rax, or Lings/Roaches. It is not likely you will be able to see with a worker since he will have units out to kill him before he can get a read. Use an ability of your race. To learn the best ways of scouting for your race read this scouting guide.
5) Know the unit counters. Every combat unit in the game does well against one unit but sucks against another. You need to know what every unit is strong against and weak against. For example Protoss Void Rays suck against Terran Marines. But Zerg Roaches are good against Marines while Roaches suck against Void Rays since they cannot attack air units. For a complete list of the strengths and weaknesses of each combat unit check out the Counter List.
6) Get your timing down. This game is all about timing. When to expand and when to attack all depends on what your opponent is doing which is why you need to scout to keep an eye on him. If he is playing defense while you have a good sized army and your main base is saturated then you should start expanding into your natural to gain the economic advantage.
7) Understand the types of strategies. This has to do with timing. There are different types of strategies you can go for such as teching, rushing, and playing defense also known as "turtling". This is kind of like rock-paper-scizzors because each type of strategy beats one but loses to the other.
Early Teching - This is risky because while you are pouring your resources into an extra gas and more advanced buildings your opponent can rush you with a good sized army of basic units and you will not have a big enough army to defend.
For example lets say you are Protoss facing a Terran player that is training Marines and Marauders with the 3 Rax build. You decide to build 2 Gateways and a Robotics Facility to tech straight to Colossi because you know they do very well against Marines and Marauders. But if they rush you before you get the first Colossus out and catch you off guard then they can easily win the game.
Rushing - Rushing works best if your opponent is trying to tech to more advanced units or is expanding early. But it sucks if your opponent has been using their resources to build a good sized army and they are playing defense.
A good example would be if you were playing a Zerg player as Protoss. If they were expanding early then rushing them with Zealots would be solid if they did not get any defense like Queens, Spine Crawlers or Zerglings.
Playing Defense - When an opponent tries to rush you with some kind of cheesy play you will want to have units out fast to defend. Using your resources on advanced structures is really the last thing you want to do.
A good example is when a Zerg player tries to 6 Pool Rush a Terran player but the Terran player walls off their base and trains Marines to shoot the Zerglings from behind the wall to counter the rush.
8) Be aggressive. Put pressure on your opponent so that there is more of a chance he will make a mistake. It is best to fight the battles over at your enemy's base so that if they are not prepared you can do extra damage to their buildings and even take out some of their workers to delay their economy. By sending over your army to harass them you will also be scouting and see what their next move is going to be.
9) Gain map control. This has to do with being aggressive since you want to cover as much ground as you can. Ideally you want to expand as much as you can without your opponent expanding. Map control is especially important for Zerg because of their style. They have their own turf known as creep that not only gives them vision but it makes their units fight better. In every game you play you should be trying to surround your opponent and wear them down until they give up.
10) Know your race. I know it is pretty obvious but you should know about every upgrade, ability, and structure so you can figure out how to surprise your opponent with different strategies. Also make sure to understand the other races. As the saying goes you should know your enemy in order to take them out.
Just remember that every game you start you should be thinking that you are the better player and play with confidence. It is all about making your opponent work harder to win. Do this by surprising him and harassing his units. Beat down his units and structures one bit at a time until you know you can finish them off.
Need some Starcraft 2 help? Get the first Starcraft 2 strategy guide made by real pro players.
Price: $19.99
The web gaming industry seemed to be increasing better than anything ever had before and took every body without warning (even the designers of the games). WoW is in no way an important and most profitable MMORPG ever.
When WoW was released it took the world by surprise with its explosive production. Nowadays WoW (World of Warcraft) must live with 11,000,000 active players at once.
That means that there are 11,000,000 in an online world that conform the specific regulations of that world, interact with each other as you would in reality and who expand opportunities, trade objects and equipment, buy things and learn new skills - all in a digital online world!
World of Warcraft (WoW) is a preferred video game. In extreme cases obsessed players has sat in front of their monitor actively playing WoW for days at one time perhaps falling asleep in front of their desktops, enjoying every bit playing of it.
In difficult cases of video game obsession the intolerable situation has caused the ending of romantic engagements and unions. More often than not online gamers have shaped healthier bonds with their league users than their loved ones
Many critics of World of Warcraft (WoW) make squally assertions all about its destructive power pointing to the indisputable fact that it has resulted in valuable relationship breakdowns. It is equally correct, however, that World of Warcraft delivers the other outcome. There are hundreds of relationships that have began on account of World of Warcraft.
With all the unintended effects of television and evident violence in video games, not to mention the potential risk of online stalkers, many adults worry the consequences of online gaming. Others believe that stable computer video game use could lower IQ and with some video games this is perhaps the issue.
That being said, it has been visibly proven that Wow, when played at the higher degrees, provides players abilities that are highly needed to employers. Team building, crowd sourcing, social communication, people administration and much more are all obtained through actively playing World of Warcraft and becoming a member of its guilds.
The group competencies formed from playing World of Warcraft (WoW) are the very skills that employers look for in possible employees. These skills are really useful in supervisory and also managerial positions and might only be gained from experience in the management precinct or through expensive academic university programs.
Would you like to max out any profession in just one day? Then you can learn some dirt skill leveling secrets at jewelcrafting guide and max out any profession on 1 day. You could moreover learn all the secrets of leveling from 1 to 80 is just 6 days by visiting WoW leveling guide now!
The massively multiplayer online role-playing game tool, specifically World of Warcraft, took the modern world by storm and at some point the player count ended up doubling annually. MMORPG achieved its peak with WoW.
Once it was believed that World of Warcraft can achieve a surprising 200 mil players due to its intense growth. Today WoW has to settle for 11,000,000 existing online gamers at once.
That is eleven million people who are all involved in an elaborate digital industry that just exists online! To many of these customers this world is as vital as the real world.
Wow(World of Warcraft) is a preferred online game. The worst of cases will waste days on the web playing the game only getting small breaks to eat, relax themselves or rest, sometimes actively playing every day and night straight!
When being addicted to a computer video game (or anything else as far as that goes) takes over it are capable of having harmful outcomes on romantic endeavors. Relationships could break up or even crumble.
Many critics of Wow make wild claims about its destructive power pointing to the fact that it has caused romantic relationship breakdowns. Despite the fact that is true it is still actual that WoW is accountable to making a lot of relationships. Just as several relationships have already been forged on the web in the wow gaming environment.
With the negative effects of TV and evident violence in computer games, in addition to the danger of online stalkers, many adults terror the effects of web-based gaming. Other people think that stable computer video game use does lessen IQ for some games this may well be the issue.
With that in mind, it's been visibly shown that World of Warcraft, when played at the higher stages, provides players skills that are exceedingly needed to employers. Team establishment, crowd sourcing, social communication, people management and much more are all acquired through taking part in WoW and becoming a member of its guilds.
A great number of industry experts have suitably pointed out that the abilities discovered by playing WoW and interacting with others in world of warcraft guilds are know-how which are exceedingly valued by organizations and company directors. These talent are tremendously beneficial in supervisory and also managerial functions and may just be attained from experience in the management area or by means of high-priced educational school programs.
Would you like to max out any profession in a single day? Then you can learn some dirt skill leveling secrets at jewelcrafting guide and max out any profession on 1 day. You can likewise learn all the secrets of leveling from 1 to 80 is just 6 days by visiting WoW leveling guide now!
Price: $29.99
Thanks to the advancement in technology, people are surrounded by various opportunities for keeping busy and having a good time. The internet has brought with it several opportunities especially in regard to games. Tower defense games are ranked among the latest craze, gaining popularity among the old and young generation alike. These come in flash format and take the stress of playing the same on COD or other similar platforms. In its simplicity, it offers gamers the opportunity to have the best time of their life. There are a couple of reasons given to back this up and as a player, it is important to understand the same.
• First the simplicity of the game entices players. This is because they have to protect one side of the tower or any other item against any oncoming attacks. Though there is a simple recipe for playing, the twists have changed over the years but the basics of gaming remain the same.
• There are several options for players to choose from and each comes with its own appeals and levels to concur. Due to this fact, players are left with the option of choosing those they can handle best. As a result, this makes it easy for players to progress from one game to another as they become pros.
• Thanks to the variety of online sites offering these defense games, it also becomes easier for players to choose those that offer them the widest selection. This is also inclusive of rules and strategies as well as helpful tips for becoming a better player.
• They come with a player user interface that is easy and simple to use. Due to this fact, whether you are a first time gamer or not, it becomes increasingly easy to enjoy the same.
• They offer players a variety of strategies such as building a different storage tower and protecting your capital by deploying weapons whenever enemies attack the tower.
Defense games offer a high sense of excitement and exhilaration to players and while this is the case, selecting the best games is important. Therefore, when doing this online, it is advisable to look for websites that offer the latest and top options. What is more, if it is known to regularly update the website, this serves to increase the possibility of ensuring all your gaming needs are met. Always make sure you understand the gist of the game before you start playing.
With the variety of tower defense games, it is considerably easy for you to find the best defense games that meet your gaming desires and hence, have the best time of your life.
With the new Star Wars Online game Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) gearing up for release. It's time to brush up on your Star Wars lore. If you are planning on travelling down the path of the Dark Side you would be well served to know the Sith Code and its meaning. It will serve you well.
The Code of the Sith is little know when compared to the Jedi's own code. It appears to have risen sometime after the Jedi mantra, with many believing it was devised in direct opposition.
The Sith Code
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
As the great Sith Oordis once said "The tenets of the Sith are more than just words to be memorized. Learn them, understand them. They will lead you to the true power of the Force; the power of the dark side."
Looking at the structure and lines of the Sith code you can see where the theory "it was created in opposition to the Jedi's version" has credence. "Peace is a lie, there is only passion" directly challenges the Jedi lines "There is no emotion, there is peace" and "There is no passion, there is serenity". The Sith were clearly intent on making a powerful statement, while directly mocking the ideals of the Jedi Order.
What Does The Sith Code Mean?
The Code of the Sith teaches its follows that the root of all power is emotion and passion, they are your strength and should be embraced openly.A Sith should rely on no-one but him/herself, only deserving what he or she is powerful enough to take.Nature's law is the "survival of the fittest", a Sith understands this better than no other; conflict is the only real test of an individuals ability and the only way to grow.The Sith Code teaches its disciples to never stop striving for perfection, to break their chains and fulfill their potential to reach ultimate power.A Sith understands the Force is there to serve, it is the true source of power. Draw on the power of the Dark Side, bend it to your whim and let it consume oneself.To summarise the Sith Code
A Sith's goal is ultimate power, ultimate strength and complete dominion. They should always seek conflict and never miss an opportunity for personal advancement. The path to supremacy means to embrace emotion and let the Dark Side flourish.
Follow the Code of the Sith and victory shall be absolute.
To learn more cool Star Wars lore and the latest developments and discussions in SWTOR check out the awesome fan site Star Wars: TOR Fever.
Price: $19.99
World of Warcraft isn't any ordinary computer video game. The Warcraft series of video games have always been famous however the World of Warcraft online game took the category and headings on the web and made Blizzard as the top rated manufacturer of MMORPs (massively multi player online role playing games) worldwide. Notwithstanding, World of Warcraft is a bit more than that even though it is the chief MMORP on the market with eleven mil players the world over.
Even though this data do make wow wonderful they are not the most crucial triggers for believing wow to be so much more necessary when compared to a mere computer online game. The online world of Azeroth has been shown for being such a demanding environment that it helps enthusiasts expand real world proficiencies and abilities which can be automatically employed in their own lives.
The reality is World of Warcraft (WoW) grabs a internet gamers involvement in all the usual reasons associated with a computer video game. Never the less, before long those same users are gaining knowledge of very true and functional skills that can be developed at work, during social circumstances as well as a lot of life occurrences. Think of the opposite of all those reports about how the ill effects of tv violence and brutal video games are "programming" customers to become drastic in reality. Well, with regards to World of Warcraft the other is happening and optimistic, fascinating competencies and abilities are "programmed in" and then used in the real life.
Actively playing the game at the start does not set it apart from other fantasy online game. Like you would have to do in any similar gaming environment you have to slay low-level beings to achieve senior position, have to farm items in addition to undertake regular objectives. You also die quite a lot within the low status.
In spite of this, once you improve up the levels the Warcraft environment will become rather more difficult and tasking.
The range of the matters in the game are wide and taxing to even the most wise mind. It is true to say that actively playing enhanced stages of WoW give you a major mental workout.
Perhaps the combat in wow calls on perceptual ability, the development of eager senses as well as necessary examination of your competition to help you effectively devise a plan of strike. The multi-tasking required and organizational abilities needed for including the most basic of tasks at the upper levels needs players to sharpen these types of competencies to such a level that they naturally seep through in their movements in the day after day life.
When you are a step where you want to undertake a higher position in your company, and maybe even achieve the level of company captain, you ought to have learned several exceedingly refined managerial techniques. These are also discovered whether inside the online game or by paying for a top-class learning.
As a matter of fact, John Seely Brown, former director of Xerox PARC, claims that World of Warcraft is the best spot for entrepreneurs to polish their understanding while nearly all other specialists claim that the directorial skills, group purchasing and also other effective guild member capabilities learned in the online world of warcraft are actual leadership skills required to be duplicated by highly-priced managerial tuition.
All the passionate lovers of interesting on-line flash games are in for a nice surprise - a fresh free game "Tomb Defender", that combines action and fighting genres. This free mini-game has multilevel tasks, that demand decisiveness and tactical planning from the users.
This on-line game can't be referred either to genre of fighting or to hack-n-slash. Why? The first of them imitates a fight hand to hand with little number of characters (mostly 2) within limited space - a ring. In the second fighting game a character fights with crowds of enemies simultaneously.
Thus, "Tomb Defender" can be referred to hack-n-slash, because the gameplay is concentrated on destroying bunch of bad boys in close-in fighting using swords, daggers, knives, axes and other cold arms.
In this awesome flash mini-game, the player acts as a knight hired by Earl Dracula. His main task is extremely easy - to be the defender of the vampire's castle at a daytime while the Master is sleeping, particularly to guard Dracula's sarcophagus, placed in the tomb, where he is relaxing and gathering strength for his night business. It would be too easy except one tiny thing - there are a lot of evil monsters craving for Earl Dracula's unbeating dead heart. That's why you will display all your brave and courage to resist hordes of monsters in the gloomy tomb!
The main character of on-line flash action game "Tomb Defender" has to beat off enemies' invasion, get new better weapon while fighting and pick up money after them... He moves on the area with the help of arrow keys, press "Z", "X", "C" keys to use weapon and in addition he can attack the enemies with super weapon (flame, ice or gargoyle). After each level all the achievements are resumed: how much many you got for the level, spent time and performed combo hits. All the earned items can be changed in the shop: 15 for flame, 25 for ice and 40 for gargoyle.
The peculiarity of this flash fighting is 12 different awards such as: "Fast Killer" (when the player completes the level in less than 2 minutes), "the Master of Combo" (complete the round without loosing a life and without super weapon), etc. will pleasantly surprise you, evaluating your gaming skills.
" Tomb Defender " is a good example of great flash action with out of the ordinary plot, perfect artistic realization and it for sure deserves gamers' attention.
Anastartem, flash online games' developer
Price: $49.99
If you have never come across a challenging sport, then you should seek mahjong solitaire that has elements of classic mahjong and solitaire combined into a single game that can easily be played online. All that you are required to do is to select and remove pairs of similar chips that are present on the board. It is a bit tricky when it comes to playing it in that, every chip is noticeable and in case you select the wrong combination, you might be stranded for the entire play. Having said this, let's see if you can be able to play this challenging sport.
• Selecting Layout: This is foremost step to take. For beginners of mahjong solitaire, it is important to start out with a layout which has small stacks of chips both on the upper right corner and on lower left corner. This way, you will be able to access all the chips with much ease.
• What to Select: Even though the chips may be fully noticeable on the board, it can be hard to make the right selection. This is so because some similar chips may be put together making it hard for you to choose. Make sure you know the differentiation before you make your selection.
• Weighing Different Options: When playing mahjong solitaire, there are many options available for you to choose from to be able to remove a single chip from the board. It is important to take time to know the best option for you before you can proceed with the game. For instance, you can give the taller chip stacks the top most consideration.
• Reduction of the Stacks: While leaving the single layer of chips, it is worthwhile to bring down the taller stacks 1st. This way at the end of the play, it will be much easier for you to play than the way it was at the beginning.
• Take your Time: While playing this sport, there is limited time and this leaves most players playing in a hurry not knowing the way they are progressing. You can take your time shortly before the bonus counter reaches '0' to ensure that your layouts are well completed.
• Maximize your Move Count: Ensure that every move that you make while playing is taken into account before you can even think of maximizing your score line. With time as you gain more knowledge and become a better player, this is the appropriate time to worry about your score level as well as competing with other competent players.
Mahjong solitaire can be paused by pressing the end game button and the no button to resume. At the same time, you can easily download mahjong solitaire to get more layouts.
Price: $24.99
There are quite a few skeptics out there that find it hard to believe online gambling websites have a legit RNG - Random Number Generator. Live dealer casinos can actually enhance the user's gambling experience all while trying to convince the skeptics that their games are fair. Even though this type of online gambling took a little longer than standard gambling websites to get up and running, with the advancing technology they are now more rapidly found. The casinos works by streaming live video of the dealer on your table and that is really one of the closest things you will find online other than just going to a casino in person.
That features allows you to really play games that other gambling website could not provide like live blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette, Sic Bo, and Mahjong Paigow. There more excitement towards the game just like there would be in a real casino so it really is a more appealing form of online gambling. Plus, you can win real money without even leaving your house with live dealer casinos.
Some of the games we play today, like blackjack, have been around since about the 18th century and it doesn't seem to be losing its reputation any. Even though this is one of the hottest gambling crazes going on right now there is one slight downfall to it. Depending on your budget these live dealer games can often be pretty pricey. That is one of the reasons that there are only a fee popular games available because it cost a good amount to have the dealers live.
Out of the all the games available online the most popular seems to be the live dealer roulette game. True admirers of the game roulette became more attract to online roulette ones a live dealer was introduced because it makes it more exciting. The introduction of live dealer casinos has really become a great way to integrate tradition and online gambling for people, even if it is just a few games for now.
One of the biggest reasons that these live casinos are such a big hit because it eliminates the possibility of the computer programming is cheating or not "playing" fairly. The human part of the games is really what sets everything apart and is one of the reasons more and more people are switching from computer generated online gambling to live. However, these online gambling websites are not going to go out of business any time soon. Because of the high cost and little selection of games, the live dealer casinos are going to steal some business but not all. The true online gambler likes variety and of course a good deal.
Within the next few years the number of people that play live casino games will grow abundantly but even with their rising success, don't expect to see the demise of the standard online gaming websites with computer generated random numbers to go down in flames anytime soon.
Finally, we have put together what we consider the best example of Live Dealer Casinos and you can get FREE insider access here to check it out. Click here now
Will you get scammed buying Starcraft 2 guides? I think this is a question a lot of online players really ask themselves all the time, whether its Starcraft or any other game.
The answer is actually both yes and no. There are a lot of 'scammy' guides out there on the internet that give a bad reputation for the rest of community and then again there is actually no way to regulate or control this nor would it actually sound right, when the internet really advocates freedom of speech to a large extent.
Now, my purpose of this post is to give some clarification as a friend of mine commented the other day that most posts seem rather bias promoting a product or so, maybe due to commission based purchases or the term used 'affiliate marketers' being used in the process. As a result, no one has really answered this question objectively. So what are we looking out for?
The bad guides - There are perhaps a mountain of these lying around, and some even disappear after a certain period of time too and are not hard to spot with their 'hard-sell' techniques. Be extra careful with those that don't even give money-back guarantees as this is usually a norm at present. If the site doesn't even offer this, my advice is not to buy no matter how cheap it might appear to be.
Too many testimonials - I have never given a testimonial nor do I actually take them seriously. I always believed good products don't need testimonials. Now you can debate on this obviously on my 'sweeping statement' but the point I'm trying to make is I don't see myself willing offering myself to go public with my profile photo while praising the product. Do you? That's even worse than putting it on Facebook.
Google around. Often some of these will appear as 'template based' or like copied from another site or even another guide site from another game, and the webpage looks similar in style of writing or even presentation. I could give you an examples here but I rather not quote and degrade others people work as that is not the objective here.
So how to differentiate and know what guides are good? If you would to base on available recommendations online, you will be utterly confused as there are so many contrasting reviews making it difficult to decide and some of the reviews actually written for the reasons above. I would recommend hearing it from someone you actually knows that plays the game, a friend perhaps reason being that this is sometimes personal and someone who knows you might be able to give you a better recommendation. Anyhow, I will attempt to briefly summarize the guides which I thought were decent.
1) Shok Guide - Shok Guide has the most publicity online, probably rated the best of all the guides. There are however no real updates, last updates the past 6 months were perhaps how to beat the Campaign modes? It might be good to know that this site advertises aggressively on Google Ads, I let you be the judge of what you think as this always pops up as a sponsored link. Otherwise, the site is comprehensive and has a nice user interface.
2) Joanna - This was actually one of the earliest sites to come out. Joanna leverages on her reputation in World of Warcraft to sell this guide. To be fair I would say that this guide was decent when Starcraft 2 initially launched in July 2010 but since then no updates and price of guide has dropped to USD9 from a peak of perhaps USD30. The presentation of the site is entirely a single category post style whereby you scroll all the way down, just to give you an idea.
3) Star2Pros - Now, they appear to have quite a impressive sales page as they did a comparison on how their guide was better than others, and gave a lot of promises and guarantees which i believe some are not true. What I didn't like was that despite their guide being rather expensive, it came with a recurring monthly bill that some people might have overlooked and there was no mention on this on the site! Content wise, its subjective, but I didn't appreciate the part of using user comments from gold divisions and below for input as part of their guides. Frankly, i believe they oversold. Their site link is also currently down.
4) Nooby's Starcraft - An interesting site, which is a blog and with a a glossary for Starcraft 2 common information. There is paid content which requires you to be a member but apart from that everything else can be accessed. Updates were Informative and i liked the interface. Content was good and well written but I felt should use more videos instead of just text and screen shots on their strategies. There is no coverage on Campaign modes, how to play with Mods, map editors, etc. Let see if updates do follow.
That's my view on the current guides available. Let me know your comments, and if there was anything else i should have included.
Signing out for now.
If your looking for a guide you should also check out this review on StarCraft 2 Guides.
For more resources of game guides, check out this interesting article, which also gives you some tips on what to look out for before you do purchase game guides online