In this article we are going to quickly cover PROVEN online dating advice to help you meet your match. Now as many of you already know, when I give advice on love and lust, I DON'T sugar coat the facts and I DON'T try to overcomplicate things that are EXCEEDINGLY simple. The only people who try to confuse you with exotic strategies are those that are SELLING you something you probably don't need..:-) And that's NOT me! Read on for the straight scoop.
Filed Under: Keep it Real
There is NOTHING that is a bigger cosmic waste of time than LYING on your online dating profile. It's simply POINTLESS! You are going to meet eventually, right? Then why make stuff up? Trust me, you aren't SO charming that she's going to forget you are 40 pounds heavier and 6 inches shorter than you promised..:-) And stop smirking girlfriend...that goes for the WOMEN, too!
Filed Under: Have a Plan
Do NOT pull one of those...." I don't know...what do YOU want to do?" sort of dates. Men - women do NOT appreciate this, and it does NOT look like you have got your game together if you do. Have a plan and stick to it - it simply will go better 9 times out of ten.
Filed Under: Keep it SIMPLE, Stupid!
I can't tell you how important this NOT spend an inordinate amount of time on the phone, or sending email back and forth BEFORE you've met. It just doesn't work, and isn't smart. Why? If you DON'T like each other in will feel terrible, and feel that much WORSE about the whole online dating experience, especially if you are just getting started. The key is to let the personal contact you have do the talking, and NOT your keyboard...nor your sexy phone voice either. Trust me - the faster you see "eye to eye" in real life face time, the quicker you are going to know whether or not there's going to be a second date. (let alone the LIFETIME together than many plan after a long weekend of instant messages..:-)
Filed Under: Life is Short. Make Your Move!
Stop over-thinking everything.:-) Life is short...and is PASSING, right now as you read this! Simply get out there and take the leap [] into the warm and welcoming waters of online love & lust..:-) The number#1 factor that almost ALL successful daters have attributed to their success is simply being FEARLESS, going for it and being WILLING to take a chance to finally connect with someone that is TRULY meant for them.
Having an open mind, and a warm and welcoming spirit is a phenomenally easy way to make some new friends and have exciting adventures along the way...and with Match.COM's FREE online dating [] offer for Summer fun, the timing couldn't be better to FINALLY make the leap to meeting YOUR match and finding love (or lust..:-) right now!
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