Monday, January 31, 2011

Worgen Leveling Guide - Make It Fast and Easy for 1 to 85

World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, when this expansion came out, it introduced Deathknights. Whereas the expansion known as Cataclysm introduced two new types of races and one of them is widely known as Worgen. Worgen are not much different from Deathknights, except that they are having their own starting zone and that is known as Gilneas.

For those players who look forward to level a Worgen, must complete levels from 1-15 and that too in Gilneas. The levelling challenge in Worgen is not what you will experience in the Gilneas, which is the starting zone because it is something anyone can achieve in matter of hours. The main challenge will began from level 16-85 where everything is reshaped and new quests are there to slow you down and every piece of knowledge from previous expansion will seem very little.

Many new options are there for you to make levelling easy such as map indicators and things like quest tracking but still it is all up to the player to discover the ways to level fast. It is all about the path you choose to take as a Worgen.

The term quest path may be confusing you here but it can simply be described as the order in which you are completing your quest. If you are having an optimal and well designed quest path, you can get yourself levelling fast otherwise you will spend or most likely waste your time in wandering here and there. If you are able to choose for yourself the best quest path, then you are having the ultimate and quick tool for levelling the Worgen.

If you are having a quest path, even if you go to a new city, you would be aware of the order and by following that, you will be able to level your Wardon. But imagine you are having no idea about the quest givers, you are equipped with no knowledge of what quests they are going to provide you with and what will be the end result of those quests, then levelling is out of question and you will just be wasting your precious time.

Keep two important things in mind. Do as much research as you can and go for purchasing a path, as this can be a good investment for those players who are willing to level many of the classes at a time.

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World of Warcraft Cataclysm Warlock Leveling Guide

The Warlock class is quite easy to level. With an arsenal of different pets that can tank, increase health, silence targets and stun people, leveling in cataclysm is easy. The warlock's main damage come from the socalled DoTs (Damage over Time) as well as their pet. They also have an ability named Life tap, which converts some of your Hit Points into mana which is great for when you're at 100% Hit points and under 100% mana. There are some AoE (Area of Effects) that the Warlock have, not as many as a mage but still useful.

Remember to always use the Create Healthstone and Create Soulstone abilities, The healthstone works just like a health potion, it will restore your health. The Soulstone will make you able to ress at the place where you died, in other words you won't have to corpse run, this is a real timesaver and you should have this on you at any time possible.

I recommend that you stay with the Affliction tree until you hit level 70.

The Affliction tree is focused on increasing your DoT damage, as well as giving you some nice extra spells and improved versions of your other DoT spells. You should get the Improved Life Tap, Improved Corruption, Soul Siphon/Siphon Life for starters, max out the amount of talents in these (3/3, 2/2, 5/5 etc).

Now put 2/2 in Doom and Gloom, get the Curse of Exhaustion and then put 3/3 in Eradication. Go ahead and get Soul Swap after this, and 3/3 Shadow Embrace and the 2/2 Improved Howl of Terror. Put 2 Talent points in Nightfall and get Soulburn: Seed of Corruption (SoC) Then put 3/3 in Death's Embrace, 3/3 in Everlasting Affliction, 2/2 Pandemic and then the last thing in the Affliction tree, Haunt. Now you should either start putting talent points in Demonology or switch spec completely because of the Metamorphosis talent in the Warlocks Demo tree.

If you decide to change your spec (talents) from Affliction to Demonology, then use these talents:

3/3 Demonic Embrace, 2/2 Spell Synergy, Then go ahead and put 2/2 in Mana Feed and 2/2 Demonic Aegis and 2/2 Demonic Rebirth. Then go ahead and get Demonic Empowerment, 3/3 Impending Doom, 3/3 Molten Core, Hand of Gul'dan and 2/2 Aura of Foreboding.

Then choose Inferno, 2/2 Decimation, 2/2 Ancient Grimoire, 2/2 Cremation and Demonic Pact. Now you'll have 1 point left for the Metamorphosis, put the last point in Master Summoner, then get Metamorphosis and put the other point in Master Summoner, after this you should just spend the remaining points in the Affliction tree in the same order as I showed you a few lines above this.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Warrior Leveling Guide

Some of you gamers might like leveling as a Prot warrior, sure it works with the Shield slam and Revenge, Shockwave can be nice as well. But if you really want to hit 85 fast then I recommend The Fury tree. The Titan's Grip talent will enable you to wield Two 2-handed weapons, but it works just fine if you don't have it yet, just use x2 1 handers, or a 2h if you got a really good one.

I'll tell you which ones will be the best Warlock build for your Cataclysm leveling below.

First off, put 3 talent points in Blood Craze. Now 2/2 in Cruelty. Get the Piercing Howl ability after this because this one is great for when you're fighting multiple mobs/players and want to get away. Now put 2/2 talents in Executioner and 2/2 in Rude Interruption. After that you should get Death Wish, this one will increase your damage significantly. Then put 3/3 in Flurry and 3/3 in Enrage. Now take the Raging blow and Rampage (You have to get Raging blow before being able to get rampage). Then get the Heroic Fury, this one is great if you're slowed by a rogue or an enemy that's about to kill you. And then 2/2 Die by the Sword, this one is great for survivability and will save you a corpse run several times during leveling to 85.

Keep putting points in the Fury tree, never put anything in Arms or Prot if I don't tell you to. Now, get the Furious Attacks, 2/2 Meat Cleaver and 2/2 Intensify Rage. Put 3/3 in Bloodsurge and 2/2 in Skirmisher and now you'll be able to get the best of them all, Titan's Grip. Get this one, of course, as well as Single-Minded Fury.

You'll now be at level 75 and we're about to move over to the Arms tree.

Get 3/3 War Academy in the fury tree then move over to the Protection tree and choose 3/3 Inocite.

After this you'll only have talent point left for your warrior build, it's not really important where you put this because everything that's left got about the same value to leveling, but Field Dressing is quite nice if you ask me.

Get two nice 2-handed weapons (Swords, Maces, axes) and start owning it up, the good thing about this Warrior build is that it's great survivability, nice self healing and of course, great for leveling. This one is also nice for PvPing (Player vs Player) but if you're going to do BG/Arenas fulltime then Arms is the best build. You can use the dual spec on these two ones because Fury is awesome in PvE, and Arms is awesome in PvP.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

World of Warcraft Rogue Information

The Rogue got a straight goal in the game, doing damage. The Rogue class is the only melee class that isn't a Hybrid, like warriors can be dps and tanks, same with Death knights, paladins and druids. They do good in both PvP (Player vs Player) and PvE (Player vs Environment) and top the damage meters quite often. For doing attacks, a rogue needs energy, which starts at 100 and goes down for every attack, but it quickly goes back up. Some of your abilities will make a dot, a 'combopoint' which makes your finishing move hit harder/last longer. You can use your finishing moves when you have 1 up to 5 combopoints on your target.

They're also known for their Stealth ability which basically makes them invisible until they want to attack, or when hunters flairs them out of it, damn hunters. The Rogues also have great survival abilities like Evasion, Vanish, Dismantle, Blind, Kidney/cheap shot etc.

The demand of Crowd Control in instances has increased in Cataclysm so the rogues Sap makes them attractive for a party, they kick ability and all the stuns makes them even more wanted. They can dish out high amounts of stable damage on bosses and blind ads if needed.

The stuns, or 'Stunlocks' as they're called is essential in PvP (Player vs Player). Stuinlocking and using the new cloud ability that was unlocked in cataclysm while 3 of your arena partners attack the target is quite a successful strategy in arena, as well as the new Rated Battlegrounds. Some good Rogues are able to 100-0 players before the stun ends, but you need good gear for this so don't expect to kill a 100k hit points warrior with your newly dinged Rogue during a stunlock.

Rogues also have an arsenal of poisons which can be applies to their weapons, they can do DoTs (Damage over Time), reduce healing, instant damage and of course slow down the casting speed.

Most Rogues are undead, which is probably because they look awesome but they have some useful racials, Will of The Forsaken, which works like a trinket on all fear effects, high shadow resistance and being able to eat dead mobs to gain health which is useful for when you're out of food and bandages.

There 3 different talent trees, Assassination, Combat, and Subtlety. Combat is for leveling and PvE, Assassination for PvE and PvP and Subtlety for pure PvP because the sub tree recently got buffed, and of course Neilyo use it so every arena Rogue will follow in his footsteps.

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World of Warcraft Warrior Information and Builds

The Warrior class is one of the top melee contributors of the game, they can do both Damage Dealing and tanking. Most people think of Warriors like a tank-only class but it couldn't be more far from the truth. They do great damage in PvE (Player vs Environment) and PvP (Player vs Player). Many of the high ranked Arena teams/Rated BG teams have Warriors on their team. They can wield every melee weapon in the game, the most common is the 2-hander which is great for pvp, two 2-handers or two 1-handers in PvE as a dps and 1h+shield for PvE Tanking. They use Rage for their abilities, which increases every time you hit a player, you always start with 0 rage and build it up to a maximum of 100. The Rage mechanics works like the Hunters "Energy".

The Warriors have different stances to choose from. Defensive Stance is used for tanking or when you're getting low hit points in Arena/Rated BG/PvP. The Defensive Stance reduces all damage attacks against you by 10%. It also increases your Threat by 10% which is awesome for when you're tanking in a dungeon.

Then we have Battle Stance. This one doesn't give you any + stats, nor does it decrease them. This is what most warriors start with before changing stance because you're able to Charge people in this stance which costs you 0 rage.

And the last one is Berserker Stance which increases your critical strike chance by 3% but it does increase all attacks made to you by 10%, this can be useful in PvP when you're going to nuke down an enemy player. But be careful because you can get nuked quite fast if you're in this stance. And keep in mind that there are some "stance only" attacks which require you to be in a specific stance to be used.

The Warrior class is strong and can take quite a beating, mostly because of their ability to wield Plate Armor as well as a shield + the Defensive Stance can make you almost unkillable. Warriors tend to have a so called "Personal Healer" in Battle grounds and Arenas, which means they got a healer that's always focusing on that specific Warrior and healing him up every time his health falls under 90%.

Always have a shield in your bag, both for leveling, PvPing, and PvEing. If you're, for example, doing Dps in an instance and suddenly the tank dies, then the people in your party will count on you to whip out that shield and tank the mobs. Try to get Dual Wield as early as you can, because people always need tanks for instances and the queues are just seconds so you'll be able to finish your Daily Dungeon fast.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

WoW Cataclysm and New Herbs

This article is going to provide you with guidance related to new herbs in which you can find in Cataclysm, World of Warcraft. Every player will be able to find four new herbs.

The most common and lowest level of herb in the family of herbs is known as Cinderbloom. You can easily find this herb anywhere because the use of this herb is only for Alchemy recipes which are having low-level utilization. The most common places to find this herb are Sulfuron's Spire, mostly outskirts and Mount Hyjal.

The next herb in the line of new herbs is known as Stormvine. Because of having very less spawn points, this herb is not very common either. The search for this herb should be carried in areas which are very grassy. Mount Hyjal, especially its northern parts and Twilight Highlands are one of the best places to find this herb.

If we talk about the milling of the herb for Inscription, then Stormvine is not considered to be very useful and because of being the category of low-level herbs, it can be very expensive as well.

Azshara's Veil, this herb annoys many of the players because it is the most difficult one to get in Wow, Cataclysm. The only problem with this herb is that it is found underwater only and the characters in World of Warcraft, Cataclysm are automatically having way too slow movements underwater and its difficult plus time taking. But still underwater zones near the Lady Azshara are great to find this herb.

Let's now talk about the fourth and highest level of herbs which is known as Heartblossom. The spawning of this herb can be done everywhere and most of the players are aware of this fact that Deepholm is without any doubt, the best place to farm Heartblossom. When milling for Inscription, Heartblossom can be the best choice of herb to go for because it is easy to farm as well as it is having the highest level.

These four are newly added herbs to Cataclysm. Most of the potions as well as flasks require all of these basics herbs and you should be aware of the places you can find them at.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

WoW Cataclysm Level 80-85 - Tips to Speed Up Leveling in Cataclysm

Many of us are aware of this news that WoW Cataclysm got released on December 7th 2010 and now players are looking forward to tips and tricks so that they can rapidly level up and achieve a perfect start of the game.

Below are few tips that you can follow to level your game up fast and good.

Pour More Gold In

To level fast in WoW, you need a mount and with this new update being there, you will only be able to go with Vanilla Wow. If you want to mount, there is always a need of much gold so you have to make sure that your stock is having enough gold.

You need to look for many items and see which one is selling at the best price and that you can only do at Auction house.

Once you are able to list with you a few items, which are expensive, you have to make sure that you make a profit when you sell them. This way is perfect to make a lot of gold but many people ignore it because they think it is very simple.

Get an Alt - Speed up Your Trips to the Auction House

It is a good idea to set up for yourself a quick and easy to access Alt so that whenever you need to make a trip to the auction house, by making use of alt, you can easily trade items to yourself and make progress quicker.

Gold is very important for fast levelling especially from 80-85 and many people are worried about that. But if you are able to bear the mount fees by having enough gold in your stock then there is nothing to worry about.

Seek Help from Your Friends

It is fun as well as powerful to get a friend of yours to help you with levelling. We all know that 2 is always better than 1 and same is the case with WoW, because you are able to take enemies down better when you are not alone.

A friend can help you a lot with levelling and one must be there to watch your back and support you wherever you need it.

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WoW Gold Guide - Learn How To Make Gold On World Of Warcraft

We all need gold in World Of Warcraft, the problem is usually we don't have enough. I have been in the situation so many times where I want or need something but simply cannot afford it. There have even been times when I could not afford to get my equipment fixed.

Below you will find 4 top tips on how you can make plenty of gold in World Of Warcraft:

1) Professions

One of the most common ways of making gold is via your profession, you can generally sell what you make. The problem with this is that it can get expensive levelling up professions. Therefore if you are a low level I would recommend having 2 gathering professions. There professions would include:


By having two of these you can gather materials which can then be sold in the auction house for a nice bit of profit, at the same time your building up your gathering skills which can then be used at later levels when levelling up your main profession.

2) Auction House

Many people at low levels do not use the auction house, they presume that low level items will not make them much money. If you think that then you could be missing out on some excellent gold! There are two excellent ways to make money with the auction house, when done right you could be making lots of gold in no time.

If you ever get a green item drop when you kill a mob, if you cannot benefit from it don't sell it to a normal vendor. Take it to the auction house, don't worry about setting a minimum and set it to the longest time. With stackable items such as linen cloth, wait until you have a full stack of 20 and put these into the auction house. Stackable items such as cloth sell very well as many people will buy them in bulk to get their first aid skill up.

It is also possible to get add-ons that will help you find out how much something is worth and how much money you could make from the auction house. You can also check the auction house to see what is selling for and how much, sell the same item for a little less for a guaranteed sale.

3) Pick It Up and Sell It

There are so many mobs in the world and most of the time they will drop some rubbish that you will not be able to use. Don't just leave it on the mob! pick it up, save it until you get to a vendor and sell it. Fair enough it might only give you a few coppers or silver but it all adds up.

4) Alt Characters

So many people will start playing WoW and will only work on 1 character. If you get several characters then each one can be leveled up at the same time.

Having several characters allows you to have different professions, more green/blue items to pick up etc and in turn more money.

Above are just a few tips on how you will be able to make plenty of gold. If you are looking for more information, you will be able to get more in-depth wow gold guides. By using these guides you will be able to reach the wow gold cap and be rich!

Click Here To Read The best WoW Gold Guides

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Zerg Build Order Up To Mid Level Leagues

As the title hints it this Zerg Build Order is for beginner and mid level leagues only. Use this strategy at your own risk in more advanced leagues. This move is called the roach opener. With this little baby you can cause some serious damage to your opponent's base and you can easily win the match in record amount of time as well.

Before we get down the actual build I want to bring up to speed all newbies. You may have seen Zerg Build orders with some fancy name like: number pool number hatch. This is a bit of Starcraft lingo nothing cryptic it only takes a little explaining and you will be able to understand it without any problems. So the first part "number pool" means that how many drones you will have until you build your own spawning pool. This number differs from build to build because if you are trying to pull of a rush then you need a 6 pool for Zerglings and 8 pool for Speedlings.

The second part is as simple as the first part "number hatch" means how many drones you need to have before you create your second hatchery. Also this number varies from strategy to strategy because you can make an early expansion with only a few workers or you can wait until you have 35. Whenever you chose a strategy always take into consideration your opponent's race and what kind of game he's playing.

Back to the Roach Opener. The main idea is to go for the Overpool this means build up your drones to the count of 10 and then create your second Overlord. Then comes the 13 pool. So get your self 3 drones and start building your spawning pool. Next on your list are 2 more workers and an extractor because you need gas for your roaches. Assign 3 workers to gather gas, now you will have a good supply for your troops. Next are 2 more drones and an Overlord. Queen will be really handy for creating some new larva.

As soon as the queen's ability has cooled down just spam it the larva creation as much as you can. For protection create 2-6 zerglings. Note the next step is placing the Roach Warren, make sure you put this behind your resource field just in case your enemy tries to scout you out. You don't want to give away your tactics just yet.

Now start cranking out roaches 2, then 1, then 4. Overlord is a must because you need to increase your supply. When you have enough start knocking at your opponent's base. This strategy works really well with low and average skilled players. You can literally win the match with this opener. They can't do anything just sit back watch their base burn to ashes. In case you fail with your initial attack then set up a secondary base at the population count of 35. So you will have more resources and more spawning locations.

This is a really effective Zerg Build Order, I've personally have won many battles while I was playing in the bronze and silver leagues. The main reason why I liked this is that it's a balanced strategy and you won't lose much if your first wave can't break through.It will a bit of time and you will be back on your feet and hopefully your opponent's economy has suffered enough so with the second wave you can eliminate his standing forces.

Blizzard made Starcraft 2 a really fun game so it will be a shame if you are abandoning it just because you have lost a few battles. There's always a lesson in every defeat, don't take it personally. You win some and you lose some that's how it goes.

This strategy is almost unbeatable, and the more you use it the less effective it gets, so try to vary your Zerg Build Order. Don't worry if the Terran player manages to block of his entrance, the roaches will bust through

If you are in a high level league then you can still use the roach opener, with a twist. This article isn't big enough to add that too, for that please visit: Starcraft 2 Zerg Build Order.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Online Sudoku Games and Car Games Are Highly Beneficial to Players

Online games that combine education with fun have changed the perspective of online gaming. When children began to engage in more and more online games which served no other purpose than just time pass, parents began to worry of the outcome! Today, games which teaches children many things through fun, has made these games popular with children and parents.

Sudoku, is a brain teasing game which is familiar among all via newspapers and other popular publications. The game was first introduced in Japan, which later gained popularity as a game for intellectuals. It no doubt improves your thinking capability, reasoning abilities and logical analysis. It is game of numbers from 1 to 9. Anybody with average and basic skill in mathematics can participate.

Today Sudoku is played online all over the world. The game consist 3 x 3 rows, 9 x 9 grids and columns. Zero is not used in the game. A user is permitted to use a digit only once in the game. According to the reasoning power of the player, the person can enter numbers from 1 to 9 in the grids provided. The numerals from 1 to 9 should be used compulsorily in each row and column, a single time. The game augments the brain power of the player significantly.

Online car games are another educational game which has many fans all over the world. Once you have picked a good website to play, entertainment is unlimited! A good website has an assortment of models of cars for you to play. You can opt for your favorite model or use different models, to make the games more interesting. Car games improve the driving skill of the player and help him very much when he drives a real car! Control of the steering wheel improves significantly and so do the application of gears and brakes. The ability to control the speed and reversing ability too improves a lot.

Choosing the right website and game can help children and adults to learn new things and improve their existing skills.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Playing Heads Up Poker

There is a lot of difference between playing a full table and a HeadsUp Holdem. Usually Heads up situation occurs when the tournament gets down to the final two players who battle for the prize. This is the most critical situation of any poker game where you have to be the smartest and use the wisest moves. The condition between you and your opponent becomes very tense where even a single mistake could take away your chances of winning.

When you are playing heads up every second matters. The one who steals the maximum blinds usually wins. A single mistake can make you go bankrupt. As per the famous writers Malmuth and Sklansky used to say, the one who is in the small blind has chances of winning by raising with every hand. Still there are many who believe more on luck rather than their skills in winning Heads up. Judge your ability before jumping into the poker game. Again, just possessing poker skill alone cannot earn you money; but applying them at the proper times against the right opponents can consistently enable you the ability to win the majority of your games.

Typically you will be playing Sit n Go heads up poker. This style of poker consist of each player starting with the same amount of chips. The blinds go up over time and the game ends once one player wins all their opponents chips. There are some must have strategies to dominate this style of game. The other style of heads up poker is the cash game. This game uses your money hand after hand increasing the risk but also increasing the opportunity of a big payday.

When the blinds begin to go up,you need to choose the right hands to play and be able to determine the value of a hand. The majority of poker players do not realize that hand values differ from ring game play.

Choosing your opponent

In a Poker game one of the important aspects that determine your victory is your opponent. No matter how skilled and experienced you are, but choose an opponent who is less experienced and skilled than you. Though the binds rise up slowly and extend the rounds it is better than playing a crapshoot where things move fast leaving no time to think and act.

The degree of toughness of any Holdem game is determined by the opponent's skills. While few of the average players might find the games tough due to experienced opponents, few might play a tough game easily, just because the opponent is not as skillful as you.

This game requires a great deal of skill. It is a quality which either exists within you already or else you have to create it to win a Holdem. Although one's victory is anothers defeat, you will have to maintain your abilities throughout the game. Now luck is of course another factor which could change the course of the game, but not always. Play more, know more and try more to master the real skills of Heads up Holdem to fill your pockets with money.

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Poker Heads - An Ultimate Challenge to Gamblers

Heads-up poker games are one of the most preferred choices of online poker players. This game involves strategy and a bit of bluffing. Other than these you need to be a careful observer who can read the opponent's mind and moves. In other words you must be able to judge the strength and weakness of your opponent. Other than judgment and strategy, you also need to read the hand movements of the other player closely.

Heads up poker games offer you maximum returns if played properly. To become a successful heads up player you must master the game which will help you to earn money on your investments. Though the game is a bit stressful and confusing at times, you must thrive on the hectic moves and accept the pressure willingly. Be aggressive when required and take advantage of the opponent's weakness. Of course adding to all these bit of luck will complete the requirements of a successful player.

Playing Poker games

If you want to make quick money, playing heads up poker is your best bet. If you are a novice you can face a number of challenges at every step of the game. The basic moves where the starters lack competency are reading the hand moves and bluffs of the opponent. If your aim of playing the game is to make money Titan Poker, BoDog Poker and Full Tilt are the best choices. These games not only improve your expertise, but also teach you step by step how to earn money and play heads up game confidently.

People's Outlook of Poker Games

Poker games are typically played in ring stlye settings. Either a 6 man or 10 man table. But, more and more poker players are now agreeing that heads up poker is the truest form of poker.

How to get out of the Heads up situation

Heads Up Poker is the best time to shine. This is where you must change your strategy and become a different poker player. If you are in a ring game and have been playing the game tight, folding 80% of your hands and often times giving up your blinds you must realize that playing heads up against one single opponent will not allow the same style of play. Once you reach this part of the game, you need to open up your playbook and apply an aggressive attack. Take control of the game and steal the blinds at will.

Role of Discipline in Poker heads Tournaments

Discipline in heads up poker play can be vital. One aggressive move can change the game. Be sure to pick your spots and attack at the right times. A good rule of thumb is to play opposite of your opponent. So, if your opponent is playing like a maniac on tilt, you should tighten up and pick your spots. There are several tricks to being a successful heads up hold'em player. By following these tips, you will instantly improve your chances of winning each and every game.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Pros and Cons of Online Gaming

The fusion of social networking and games has offered a thirst quenching entertainment package for individuals to enjoy with their friends. It is like a ride which helps you talk to different people from various backgrounds, and of course a way to stay connected to long distance relatives in a joyful way. You may find people spending a huge amount of time on playing poker over the internet. This is only because of the emergence of such exclusive technology. Yet, as everything has pros and cons, this type of gaming also has them. Hence, this article will focus on everything, with respect to this type of gaming.

Starting with pros, online gaming has offered a new door for every avid gamer. Now, all the gamers who once were deprived with the cost of the console games and even the DVDs. Console games such as XBOX and PlayStation is actually expensive for many people. Hence, these types of games have certainly filled the void and marked the start of a new clan. This type of gaming has also embarked the commencement of new leisure activities for everyone. Another advantage of online gaming is its' interactive and keeps us aloof of stress and anxiety and has become refreshment for many employees working in a stressful environment.

Coming to the cons, one of the major disadvantages of online gaming is its addiction. Many adolescents have been addicted to this type of games, which has disrupted their overall life style. Studies, good sleep and rest have been severely effected by addictive gaming. All such radical changes have made it a real problem for parents. It has also has biological effects, such as reducing the power of retina. One of the major negative impacts of online gaming is its effects body muscles, as people have to set for a long time.

So, by now you would have understood the advantages and disadvantages of online gaming.

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Tips For Playing Online

Gaming belongs to a different genre of entertainment and that cannot be overlooked. Gaming has the proper elements, which can quench thirst of every individual, regardless of their age and other elements. It is a juke box that contains different types of entertainment, which you can play according to your wants. It is up to the individual to select the game and this vary according to the situation and the mood of the individual. So, one can understand the significance of the online gaming and how it has helped us to cover all our stress and anxiety.

Flash is actually a platform which offers interactive application tools with dynamic scripting engine and potent designing modules. This is the current platform which is used by all the experts for making these types of games. The reason behind flash's dominance is simple; it offers rich graphics and unhindered download of multimedia based data from the internet. This feature has made it possible for us to play in an interactive zone. Along with these features, flash offers bit map image rendering and audio and video playback.

This adds cheery to the cream, as it means it can also work a video or audio player and this certainly has enhanced our experience of this type of entertainment. Coming to games, world of war craft is one of the famous online games which have given a new territory, where anybody can claim their rule if they win or hold the highest ranking. Another game that has been here for a long time is Age of Empire.

This entertainment has really been the legendary game that has surpassed all other games and is the most played online. There are other flash-based games such as poker, cricket, football and other flash games which are usually seen on every online portal.

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Sorority Life Tips Revealed - The Fastest Way To Get Brownie Points and Your Ideal Level

Are you spending hour after hour trying to get brownie points without spending real money? Have you already spend countless dollars on brownie points? Are you trying to level up and recruit a good number of sorority sisters with no luck? Is it taking too much of your time at this point, but you really love playing this awesome game? If you answered yes to any of the questions listed, you are not alone. There is no need to be frustrated any longer.

Purchasing brownie points is NOT going to get you where you want to be without a bit of frustration on your part. There are ways to get to where you want to go without spending any real money. This game requires some strategy and planning in order to get to the top ranks of the Sorority Life game itself.

Here are a couple of quick tips for you to make progress:

Stop fighting your rivals- Not only does this waste resources, but it is a waste of time. Focus on building your levels and recruiting new sister. Spend your time wisely and you will succeed.Get brownie points - Be extremely careful on how you get them. A lot of people are willing to spend real money on these, totally unnecessary! Spend a small amount of your time each day filling out your lottery numbers and offers with throwaway email accounts.

These two quick tips alone should allow you to move forward and see results in the Sorority Life game. Here is the best tip of them all though, go ahead and invest a couple of bucks in a Sorority Life strategy guide. This is the only real money that you will ever have to spend and the best money you will ever spend. Your results will shoot through the roof and you will be on top in no time.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Gaming Juke Box

It offers a vast spectrum of entertainment, which cannot be forged by any other entity. The current scenario of social community websites and portals has unleashed a new way into the networking hemisphere and that has proffered a novel way into the new world of gaming. The process of this type of gaming didn't take place in a day. It took around twenty years to build the system that we have today. The rise in the quality of information technology has offered the foundation for on this type of gaming.

Starting with pros, this type of entertainment has offered a new door for every avid gamer. Now, all the gamers who once were deprived with the cost of the console games and even the DVDs. Console games such as XBOX and PlayStation is actually expensive for many people.

Hence, these games have certainly filled the void and marked the start of new clan. Online entertainment has also embarked the commencement of new leisure for everyone. Another advantage of online gaming is it is interactive and keeps us aloof of stress and anxiety and has become refreshment for many employees working in a stressful environment.

Coming to the games, world of war craft is one of the famous online games which have given a new territory, where anybody can claim their rule if they win or hold the highest ranking. Another game that has been here for a long time is Age of Empire. This game has really been the legendary game that has surpassed all other games and is the most played online game. There are other flash-based games such as poker, cricket, football and other flash games which are usually seen on every online portal. Therefore, we can say that online games have really come about into the scene and it is here to stay.

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Types of Online Games

The internet has erased the firm line of indoor and outdoor games them. The games were earlier classified as indoor and outdoor. With the advent of the internet, all the games are indoor; yes they could be outdoor if you chose to play them on your laptop in your backyard! There is a game for each one on the net for the toddlers, girls, teenagers, boys, men and women. Games could also be classified as games for young, old, single, married, ill, enthusiasts and not so enthusiasts. There is a game for each one who wishes to play.

There are different games for different countries considering their cultures. For example there are games of the red Indians for the US people, games based on mythological characters for far eastern countries, games based on the nature gods for the Japanese and Chinese. These games truly attract the people of the community as they tend to identify with the general public.

There are games that satiate you in areas that you cannot. There are games wherein you can have a farm of your own, you could build a farm house, rear animals there, plant seeds and reap harvest. You could also click photographs of your farm or yield and publish (read flaunt) to all and sundry. Not to mention there are visitors who could peep in your farm and admire it.

You could also have a pet, raise a baby, and build your dream house. Literally building castles in the air was never so real and socially accepted. You could also satiate your many such desires, you could date a girl and mind you this all is gaming that you are doing. You could fly a aero plane, walk on the moon, sea dive and walk the ocean floor. You could do all this and not move an inch from your seat!

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Starcraft 2 Diamond Gamer Review - Is It Really Worth It?

If you want to find out if the Starcraft 2 Diamond Gamer add-on can live up to all the hype and if it is worth your money, then you should definitely read this Starcraft 2 Diamond Gamer review. I will show you what it is all about and if the add-on is worth your money or just another scam.

The most interesting part about this add-on is that you don't just get a written strategy guide in electronic form which you either have to print out or switch to whenever you need information about a strategy. Instead, the Starcraft 2 Diamond Gamer add-on is an interactive guide that you can access inside of Starcraft 2 right when you need it.

You might be a little skeptical and so was I when I heard about this idea for the first time. However, after trying the Diamond Gamer add-on for myself I was instantly hooked as it is perfectly integrated and really easy to use. You will get all the information you need, starting with numerous build orders, counter strategies for every unit etc. right inside of the game with a little additional menu.

Not only will you get the awesome in-game add-on, but also numerous top-notch strategy videos showing you all the content first-hand. You will also receive updates very frequently and as Diamond Gamer sponsors some of the best Diamond League players, you can be assured that you always receive the most recent cutting-edge strategies used by the pros. And the best part: after the initial registration, these updates are completely free of charge.

Here is an overview of the extensive content you will receive:

interactive build order guideinteractive counter strategy guidestrategies for each racestrategy videosfree updates for lifemoney back guarantee

... and much, much more

If you are still not sure if the Diamond Gamer add-on is the right thing for you, you can just give it a try as you get a 60 days full money back guarantee, no questions asked. This means that over a period of 60 days, if for any reason you are unsatisfied with the product, you can just contact the authors and they will fully refund you.


In this Diamond Gamer Review, I have given you a rough overview of what you can expect. In my opinion, the Diamond Gamer add-on is a very well implemented product that will definitely help you, no matter which skill level you are at. Taking the full money back guarantee into consideration, you basically have nothing to lose, so just give it a try and decide for yourself.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sudoku Online Games - The Best Brain Teasers for Any Age Group

Sudoku is familiar to all, through newspapers and magazines. The popularity of this puzzle game resulted in the introduction of it as an online game. The game has many fans in many age groups. The stimulating brain game of Japan needs reasoning capability, as well as logical reasoning. The game deals with figures, yet the players need not be high-skilled mathematicians! The benefits of playing Sudoku are widely accepted, producing more and more fans for the game each day.

The availability of the range of brain teaser game Sudoku, free online has enabled numerous people to enter in to the field of Sudoku game playing. The Sudoku games available online are almost like cross word riddles comprising 3*3 rows, 9*9 grids along with columns. The game does not permit the use of zero in the game. The player can use an arithmetical digit a single time, it is forbidden to use it a second time.

The player in agreement to his rational thinking and finding should enter appropriate arithmetical digits which should be amid 1-9 in the boxes provided. The digits from 1 to 9 should be used in every column as well as row, once. There are many Sudoku aficionados who spent considerable time on the game as an entertainment and to enhance their brain power.

Sudoku requires precise hints of arithmetical digits that are pre entered so that you can add them on to needed lines and columns when you play the game. Digits that come amid 1 and 9 should be entered in the right row or column as single or in grouping that is (4, 4, 4). The online game Sudoku augment the thinking and analyzing capabilities of players. The brain teaser game needs considerable creative thinking and presumption to achieve excellence in playing. Playing the game is certainly not a waste of time.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Technical Aspect of Online Gaming

Online gaming has been a boon with all its offerings. It offers a vast spectrum of entertainment which cannot be forged by any other entity. The current scenario of social community websites and portals has unleashed a new way into the networking hemisphere and that has proffered a novel way into the new world of gaming. The process of this type of gaming didn't take place in a day. It took around twenty years to build the system that we have today. The rise in the quality of information technology has certainly offered the foundation for online gaming.

Macromedia flash is one of the tools which are used to develop almost all online games. Flash is actually a platform which offers interactive application tools with dynamic scripting engine and potent designing modules. This is the current platform which is used by all the experts for making these games.

The reason behind flash's dominance is simple; it offers rich graphics and unhindered download of multimedia based data from the internet. This feature has made it possible for us to play games in an interactive zone. Along with these features, flash offers bit map image rendering and audio and video playback. This adds cheery to the cream, as it means it can also work a video or audio player and this certainly has enhanced our experience of gaming.

Both social networking and flash have generated an ultimate zone for individual to interact as well as compete or play with or against their friends or others. This has laid the foundation of online gaming which cannot be overlooked in any terms and statistics have shown the radical change into bandwidth usage due to the emergence of these games. In other terms, one can describe it as a new society or community which depends on human, as well as computer networking.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

What Are Online Warfare Games?

The virtual world is a dream world. It takes you into the world of fantasy and folklore making you believe it is for real. So many times, as a child, you have fantasized of being in meeryland fighting goblins and slaying demons to rescue that princess in the tower atop the castle.

Internet has brought many such games online to help you live your dream. There are castles to conquer, rivers to cross and mountains to climb to reach each difficulty level. The games are in 3D effect, so much so that you actually get a feel of doing this stuff. The games are developed in the java and flash script to make them more realistic.

There are innumerable site for war games as they are called. The games involve all the eras in them. The weapons used are futuristic though. They speak nothing less than lazar weapons etc. A time will come when real weapons will be developed taking inspiration from these virtual ones. This is a perfect example of real imitating fiction.

Different games have different conquests like either a castle or a country or some princess trapped, oil mines etc. No conquest is the final victory since new levels are being added to it every now and then. At each level of your journey to the conquest you win small add-ons such as some weapon or extra energy or extra army etc. The weapons are also sold in the real at e-bay. That means you can acquire a particular weapon without reaching that stage in the game by simply buying it across e-bay!

The prizes also get stolen via hacking, so you really need to protect them with strong passwords. Talk about the thin line between virtual and reality!
To say that the thin line between virtual and reality is disappearing would be the understatement of the century!

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

WWE Games - Love WWE? Improve Your Fighting Skills By Playing With Popular Wrestlers

Wrestlers are the new super heroes, according to the sales of the WWE games. Playing with these super humans is often full of adventure as one has to focus on the skills rather than the backgrounds or graphics which are often the focus in many games. There is large number of fans of each WWE super star and one can easily see the reason why this is. One can find the flair, motion controls and the special features of Wii version that make them totally real as compare to the other wrestling games.

There are many exciting WWE games like Raw, SmackDown with more than 75 all time favorite wrestlers with each having the unique style of wrestling. The practice area is the one place one should use more often as this is the only way to learn the strengths of each star. Taking part in these wrestling championships one can learn that often you can get away with following the rules too.

The 2011 version of SmackDown vs Raw is great as this is packed with the new many new tricks and fighters that have given totally new feel to the game. There are some exciting tweaks in the background music, graphics and even some new moves are added to your favorite wrestlers. Similarly the Wrestling Mania is equally popular game that has large number of fans worldwide.

Surviving the cage is not easy as there are so many fighters locked inside. This exciting WWE universe has virtually given new life to the mature wrestlers like under taker what has been part of the wrestling history. The fans can not only learn about the wrestling routines of these players but can also train for the match with different areas too.

Being on the top of WWE ranking can be achieved with the excellent training and good gaming strategy. If you really wish to crack the ranking taking the game seriously and playing it sharply will help. The main thing in fight can easily be technique.

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